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noun: warmth
the quality, state, or sensation of being warm; moderate heat.

Betty's POV:

He held me, protecting me from the cruel world around us. I had barely just met this man yet he was caring for me.

I almost felt embarrassed about the fact that I was crying on someone I had just met. Someone who must've felt more emotional and physical pain than me, no doubt.
It made me seem like I was weak, yet somehow I didn't care. I felt safe.

I felt Protected.

He continued to whisper assuring words into my ear, making me feel better.

My feelings of safety were quickly interrupted by the sounds of multiple aircraft flying overhead. I had no time to think as I felt the weight of someone's body on top of mine; to be specific, Collins' body on top of mine.

The slight sense of security returned as he held me again, protecting me from the harsh plane shooting bullets from above.
A small squeak left my throat as bullets collided with the boat , shaking it slightly. The inhuman sound only made him hold me tighter, it was if he knew that I wanted him to keep me safe.

The fact that I wanted him to protect me may have made me seem weak, but at this point I didn't care anymore. It felt good to be defended for once.

The gunfire died off leaving the three of us in silence.

A quiet voice ascended from behind me.

"T-the b-boat! We're sinking"
I had forgotten my brother was still here.

I was surprised when I felt Collins lift himself off me. He sprinted to the ladder and climbed down, leaving me and my brother confused.

He ascended with two life-jackets.
"Put this on, love. We're going to have to get off this boat, it's sinking and not safe."
I did what he told me, sliding the life-jacket over my head.
He bent down slightly, tightening it so it was secure. He did the same with his own.

"What about me?"
My brother asked. I couldn't even face him, I felt betrayed.

"You can get one yourself mate. You have legs, use them".
Collins responded coldly.

Peter gave him a disapproving look and climbed down the ladder.

"We're going to have to get off, okay?"
He told me
"The water will be cold but not too cold; we can float for a while and wait for someone to come get us."
He carried on.

I nodded, showing him I understood.
If it was anybody else telling me this I wouldn't trust them. But there was something about Collins, he seemed to know how to handle situations like these, I knew I could trust him.

It had been a minute and we were sat on the edge of the tilting boat , preparing ourselves to get in.

"Ladies first"
He spoke next to me.
"And men just before"
I teased just before nudging him to the side.

"Oh no!"
He joked, pretending to fall into the water.

"Shit! That's 'abit cold."
He half-laughed making me let out a quiet giggle.
He reached out his hand and held my waist, carefully pulling me into the water. A small gasp left my lungs as the cold water hit my skin.

"Told you it was cold."
He teased.
I shook my head and shivered, making the water ripple around us. He pulled me closer, transferring at least some warmth to my body. The life-jackets made it awkward but it was somehow effective.

I faced the boat, watching it sink slowly into the blue water beside us. A moment of realisation hit me.

I said slowly.
"Yes? What is it?"
He asked, concerned.

"It's Peter, he didn't come back up. H-he's still inside."
I explained, with a worried expression plastered on my face. I began to pull away, swimming towards the boat which was almost fully submerged.

He grabbed my wrist.
"Betty, it's too late. We can't get back up onto the boat, if he is in there there's nothing we can do. I'm sorry, I really am. If there was anything I could do, I promise I would."

Tears rimmed my eyes and I turned back to face him.
"N-no! There must be a way. Please!"
I protested.

He pulled me to him and embraced me.
I screamed.
"Shhh, it's okay."
He tried to assure me, stroking my hair.
I sobbed harder.

"This is all my fault. I'm so stupid! If I hadn't of sneaked out he wouldn't have followed me and I wouldn't be in this situation! That should be me in there, not him. I'm such an idiot!"
I let it all out...
so much for being strong.

He responded.
I looked up, meeting his eyes. They were extremely beautiful, they were so blue;I could've drowned in them.
That'd be nicer than drowning in this water anyways.
I sent him a questioning look.

I asked.
"Never say something like that again. You're one of the bravest people I've ever met, it's not your fault that you're in this situation at all. You wanted to help, and you did! You saved me for God's sake! Don't say it's your fault he's in there, if anything it's my fault!"
He half-shouted at me; I felt stupid.

The tears kept coming and they wouldn't stop. All I could do was hang onto him for dear life, because if I let go I would've surely broken into a million pieces.
He held me as we floated in the water. The coldness of the water was overcome by Collins' warmth, yet my sobs shook my body violently.

But through all of this, he didn't let go. His strong arms which were secured around me made the pain seem the tiniest bit more bearable.

(About an hour later)

I must've cried myself to sleep because when I opened my eyes my arms were wrapped around Collins as he remained floating upright, looking extremely uncomfortable.

I apologised, trying to pull away. He pulled me closer.

"'Tis fine love, it kept me warm. I'm glad you got to rest."
He assured, making my cheeks turn pink.

"Thank you"
I smiled, and pressed my head against his. The life-jackets got in the way slightly, but mine kept me warm so I had no right to complain.


Hi again! So I hoped you liked this chapter, it was slightly sad I know but it got cuter towards the end, I guess. Anyways, thankyou so much for reading, if you could vote it would mean a lot. Also as I keep saying before, keep reading and maybe give me a cheeky follow ;).

All the love
E x

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