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noun: observation; plural noun: observations

•the action or process of closely observing or monitoring something or someone.

The boy with the green eyes' POV

I could feel her pain. It hurt like a bitch to see two people, who were blatantly in love, be pulled apart.
Yet it warmed my heart to see such strength in a couple, especially in a situation like this. I could tell they cared deeply for each other. This only wanted me to get this woman to safety even more, so they could make it through this war and be together.

I had always longed to have that kind of bond with someone, to be able to trust someone with my life, for someone to put me first in any situation.

I had always been an observer, I liked to watch people. I liked to watch their facial expressions, I liked to see how they responded to certain situations. Despite all that, my favourite thing to observe was love, and this man and women's love was something I'd never seen before. They just seemed to have something other lovers didn't, a certain connection which I couldn't seem to put my finger on.

Their love seemed special, more significant than other forms of love. They seemed to be in a world of their own, despite all the chaos around them. They were like two magnets, even if they weren't connected you could feel some kind of force between them and their two bodies. You could see it in both of their eyes, the hope, the strength and the flickers of light which flashed from to the other.

It was truly fascinating.

I continued my thoughts as I dragged this woman through the water, she didn't say one word. Yet she didn't have to, because I already knew what she was thinking.
She wanted it to be him leading her to safety, she didn't care If she was in danger she just wanted to be with him.

I could hear her breath deepen with every time she inhaled. I thought nothing of it, that was until she began to grow heavy as I dragged her.

Something wasn't right.

I turned round to see her grasping at her chest, heaving and spluttering for air. In the near distance fire spread throughout the water, eating everything in its path.

It engulfed the sides of us, almost surrounding us completely.

I cursed to myself.
soldiers thrashed around screaming in agony. A intense feeling of nausea hit me as I realised, the only place to go was forwards;

Coincidentally, this was the one place I didn't want to be going.

Back to the beach.

I didn't even have a chance to think because, before I knew it, my body was dragging us towards the shore.
I was desperate to get there, away from the flames which were spreading faster by the second.

The girls limp body weighed me down but I didn't let her stop me, I needed to get us out of this water.

The beach came into my vision and my heart began to race, there was no sense of relief within me. Being on that beach meant we were going to be stood in the face of death, once again. The closer we were to the beach meant the further away we were from home, I despised the thought but it was true.

Betty was still unconscious, I was half-holding her. She wasn't heavy yet she was still hard to keep hold of, due to my water-clogged uniform weighing me down.

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