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"Oh my god. Tyler. Is this actually you" Tears were free falling from my eyes. My hand was outstretched towards Tyler, seeing if I could actually touching.

"Grey" his voice was raspy. He hadn't spoken in months so I didn't expect anything else. I lip was quivery and the tears just wouldn't stop. He opened his arms and I immediately ran into his arms. As soon as his arms wrapped around me he broke too. He started crying and saying how much he missed me. God. I had missed him so much, it's been too long since I've been in his warm embrace, too long since he's said my name, too long since he's looked at me with his beautiful chocolate brown eyes.

"I've missed you so much Grey. How long have I been in a coma? You look so beautiful. What happened? What have I missed" He said all at once after he pulled away from our hug. I was about to answer but Mason's crying is what broke our intimate stare at each other.

Tyler's eyes were immediately directed to the small child who is crying on my chest. His eyes were cold and hard.

"shh baby. It's ok" I cooed to him as I bounced him up and down

"Who is this? Whose child is this? I've been in a coma for so long that you decide to go and fuck another guy and have his child?" I was shocked at what he was saying. How dare he accuse me of such things. I understand that he's been a coma for the last few months and that he doesn't know it's his child but that doesn't give him the right to be saying this stuff to me.

"You are my mate! Mine! No one else's! I'll kill who ever has laid hands on you. I'll kill the man that gave you this child. You are suppose to have my pups. Not someone else's! I'll guess I'll have to kill the child too" Tyler started to move towards me, before he could reach me I turned away from him and screamed while hugging Mason closer to my body

"stop it! Stop it! He's yours! You're his father!" I yelled hoping that he would hear me. My eyes were clenched close, not really wanting to know what would happen next.

I screamed a bit as I felt the tingles run up my arm as Tyler slowly turned me around. His eyes met mine and I saw confusion and yet, guilt.

"ho-how is that possible? I've been in a coma for about four months" he said so quietly I barely heard him

"I was going to tell you the night of the accident, but then you were... yeah" I said while rubbing the back of Mason's back as his crying slowly stared to stop.

"so... so he's mine?" his voice was so quiet, almost like you could hear how scared he was. Bitting my lip I nod my head as Tyler's eyes started to tear up.

"may... may I?" he opened his arms out towards Mason and I quickly but carefully handed my son over to his father. His eyes lit up as Mason looked up into the eyes of his father. He instantly knew that he was in the arms of his dad and he gave Tyler the biggest smile and started speaking baby nonsense. Tyler laughed and tears started to spill from his eyes as he looked down at his son with love.

"what's his name?" he asked while Mason wrapped his tiny hand around Tyler's massive finger.

"Mason" his head snapped up from the sound of hearing the name of his son.

"This. This is Mason?" nodding I wrapped my arms around myself from the sudden gust of wind that came through the room.

"I promise to protect you Mason for ever and from anything and everything that ever crosses your path. I will be the best dad and the coolest dad and I will always be there for you. I promise to love you every day. I love you so much Mason" Tyler cradled Mason to himself as tears of joy and happiness kept flowing from his eyes. He opened his free hand that wasn't holding Mason out towards me and engulfed me in a massive hug.

My family is back together. 

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