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The cries of my baby is what pulled me back to reality. After two excruciating hours of giving birth, It's finally over. I get to meet the girl or boy who is both half of Tyler and half of me.

"Are you ready to meet your child luna?" The nurse asked me as she waked into the room with a freshly wiped child who was wrapped in a soft green blanket. I nodded my head as tears formed in my eyes.

The nurse slowly walked up to me and handed me my bundle of joy.

"Congradulations luna, you have a healthy baby boy" The nurse left the room, leaving me alone with my baby boy. I look down at the child in my arms and start to cry, this child is the product of love. One touch of him and I already love him with all my heart, I would do anything for him. I smile when he opens his eyes and my tears fall harder.

I look into his eyes and all I see it Tyler's staring back at me. He looks so much like him. I can tell already that he'll be a ladies man, just like his father.

It seems so wrong to be holding my son in my arms while his father is in a coma. He should be here with me, experiencing the birth of our child.

"I'm sorry to bother you Luna, but I was just filling out some paper work and I need a name for the child" A name.. I hadn't even thought about that.


Tyler and I were lying on the floor of the forest, in the beautiful clearing he had showed me ages ago. We were staring up at the beautiful clear sky, with starts shinning above us

"Did you see that!" I said and pointed up to where the shooting star was before.

"no, I bet there was nothing there. You liar" he said in a cheeky voice and started to tickle me

"n-no. there ereally was a shhhooooting star" I said between giggles. Tyler fell next to me and wrapped his arms around my body.

"you know. I always felt myself be drawn to the name Mason. I don't know what it is about it but I just feel this connection to. I had this dream once and I barely remember anything, but all I can remember is feeling sad, petrified and felt like my world was crumbling. I saw a boy. Standing in this field. Exactly where we are. And he was staring at me. With tears in his eyes, he looked so scared. He looked up at me with these brown eyes that were filled with tears and sadness. He looked so helpless." As Tyler was talking about this dream his eyes started to swell up with tears

"this name was repeated over and over again. 'Mason' 'Mason' 'Mason' and then this wolf came from the side and ludge at the kid... and then everything went black. I woke up crying, scratching at my neck for air. I felt like I knew that kid and I had this special connection to him and to this day I still don't know how we could be connected but the name. it's just, connected to me and my soul. While I looked at that kid in my dream, I knew. That I would do anything for that kid. And that kid was Mason

End of Flashback

Looking up at the nurse with tears streaming down my face.

"His name is Mason" The nurse nodded her head and left the room, saying that there were a few people here to see me.

"Grey?" I torn my gaze away from my son and up to my mother and father who walked into the room with tears in both eyes.

"is that my grandson?" dad asked as he walked towards the bed with open arms, I smiled and nodded as I gave Mason over to my dad. He looked down at Mason with a massive smile

"He's beautiful Grey" mum said as she looked over dad's shoulder before coming over to me and giving me a hug. Being back in my mothers arms was the final thing that broke me. I burst out into tears. I cried because my mate has been in a coma for the last four months. I cried because I had to go through my whole pregnancy alone. Because I gave birth without my mate at my side. Because I don't know when he'll wake up. Because I don't know if, he'll wake up.

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