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It's now been two hours since I had hit Xena over the head with a frypan and right know I am hiding behind a pillow fort... what can I say I'm a kid at heart. I heard groaning and I saw Xena slowly sit up and rub the back of her head. She started to look around f until she stopped and started laughing

"Why are you hiding behind a pillow fort?" she asked still laughing

"Well, I didn't feel like dying today" I stated. As Xena still continued to laugh

"Anyway, I'm really sorry about my outburst it's just that it was hard to relive it" she said while sobering up from her laughing outbreak.

"that's okay, I know what it's like" I said still not coming out from behind the pillow fort.

"Are you going to come out so we can talk or?...." she said while repositioning herself.

"It''s actually quite comfy" I said truthfully "You know since you told me a very personal thing about yourself why don't you ask me a few questions?" I ask trying make the mood more comfortable

"Umm ok, but just let me know if it gets too uncomfortable... um what's your favourite colour" I laugh at her simple question

"Blue anything else like what is my favourite food?" I say while smiling, leaning my head against one of the many pillows.

"Ok umm... What is your full name?" she asked, should I tell her? I don't think so just yet

"Grey J Clifford" I say as she gives me a questionable face

"What does J stand for" I have never told anyone what the J stands for.. well not yet

"next" I simply state and she nods her head

"Who made you like this?" she asks while giving me a sad face. I suck in a big breath. Well it's only fair seeing as how she told me her past.

"well when I was about eight, my father left, but I have no idea why. He was the best father a girl could have. He would help me with my homework, we would stay up late playing board games, watching movies, reading together. I loved him... but I don't know if he ever loved me. I remember every birthday we would climb onto the roof and sit there watching the moon" at this point I was crying

"He would lean over towards me and kiss my head and whisper those words that I haven't heard in eight years "Another year for my princess, a year filled with happiness laughter and love" he said those words every birthday to me.I do that now, I mean every birthday I still go up onto the roof and look at the moon. We were so tight but then I remember one night I woke up from a nightmare, I walked into my parents bedroom to find that they weren't there, so I walked down towards the kitchen to see my mum crying on the kitchen table.

Turns out he left in the middle of the night no explanation just a note saying that he was sorry and it was for our protection." I was crying my little eyes out, I knew that Xena was just sitting on the bed looking uncomfortable on what to do.

But she didn't have to make a decision because at that moment the door slammed open and their stood a fuming Tyler and all the girls with Josh.

Tyler POV (before breaking into Grey's house)

After I watched my precious mate walk away I went home with the girls and Josh following.

"Hey mum" I said while kissing her on the cheek, my mum is beautiful, she has long brown hair and brown eyes, she is mated to my dad who is now the retired alpha. They are both madly in love, they met when they were 16 and two days after they met, they conceived me.

"Hey honey, how was school?" she asked while chopping at some vegetables.

"Tell her" Ellie says while bouncing up and down while my father comes walking down the stairs

"Tell her what?" dad says while kissing mum on the cheek

"I foun-" I started but was cut off "HE FOUND HIS MATE, ARHHHH" Ellie screams as my parents look at me with shock and happiness

"You found your mate! Oh my precious baby is growing up what does she look like? How old is sh-" my mum started but my father put his hand over her mouth

"Calm down honey, let him talk" dad says while he wraps his arms around her waist. Even though I may not show it but I really do want something like my parents have

"Well, she's beautiful, has brown hair, brown eyes. Luna material b-" mum cut in "So she's perfect! ok well we'll have the ceremony soon, oh Brad we can finally go to Italy now, knowing that our pack will be in safe hands. Not that we don't already trust you sweetheart it's just that now that you have a mate you won't be sleeping around all the time, you can finally settle down" mum says while clapping her hands and smiling

"But... she's human" I state as I watch confusion cross over their faces

"Human?" my mum asked, bewiddled

"Yes, but don't worry she's fine I have someone watching her house now. I know it sounds creepy but it's for her protection" I say while taking a bite of an apple

"So-" I didn't listen to the rest of what mum was saying because I got mind-linked by Liam

Alpha, Luna is crying. We are not sure why but we smell a rouge in her house what should we do? Should we enter or? I growl and get weird looks from my parents, and the girls

"There's a rogue at Grey's house" I seethed and storm out the door, I ran the whole way toward Grey's house with the girls and Josh on my tail.

I break down her front door and make my way towards the crying noise. I slam the door open to see my beautiful mate crying, well more like sobbing her pretty little eyes out. She was hiding behind a pillow fort with a Fry-pan in her hand. I looked towards the bed and saw a buff girl who smelt awfully like a rogue. She got up off the bed and made her way towards Grey, me not thinking straight and wanting to protect my mate from this rouge. I shifted into my black wolf standing in front of my mate growling at the rouge standing in front of me. She seemed to notice my alpha title and backed down.

"Tyler what have you done?" Ellie asked softly while looking sympathetically at me, confused on what she was talking about she looked behind me and I turned around and saw that Grey was staring at me wide eyed, looking at me in fear...

What have I done.

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