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"Luna?" My head snapped up and looked towards the doctor who had just come out of Tyler's room.

"How is he?" I asked while rushing over to the doctor and placing my hand protectively around my stomach.

"Unfortunately there is some internal bleeding, I regret to inform that there is severe brain damage, his body has put himself into a coma to help the recovery process. I am unable to say how long it will be until he will recover fully but he will be on 24 hour monitor service and all our prayers will be with him." I stare through the glass window which looks into his room. He looks so broken, so battered and bruised. So helpless.

"Can I see him?" I whisper so quietly I doubt anyone could hear me.

"Of course Luna" he opened the door for me and I quietly and slowly walk into the room. Tears form in my eyes as I take in the sight of my mate. Laying in bed, his eyes closed, cuts lay upon his face. Black and blue bruises are all over his body.

"Oh my god.. Tyler" rushing over to him and hug his upper body and start crying. My tears fall freely and I'm finding it impossible to stop

"I'm so sorry, I put you here. I caused you to be in this situation. It was my fault to be in the middle of the road, I didn't see the car coming and of course, you being you pushed me out of the way. God. I love you. I love you for doing that, I love you for being you. Tonight was supposed to be the happiest night of our lives. Tyler, I'm pregnant. You're gonna be a daddy, we're gonna be a family. One big happy family. But you've gotta wake up first. So just please... wake up" I sobbed into his chest. Begging the moon goddess above to please help him wake up.


"Thanks Lilly" I said after finishing brushing my teeth. It's been three months since Tyler has been in hospital and still no news. The doctor is saying that his wolf isn't helping much because he was also badly damaged. Lilly has been helping me with my pregnancy, she's been coming with me to all my doctor appointments. Apparently, because I'm mated to an Alpha my pregnancy will only last for 4 months so basically, I'm due to give birth in about a month and I'm the size of an elephant.

I'm starting to face the fact that I'm going to give birth alone, and with my mate still in a coma. Every day I go and see him and every day I update him on what's been happening with the pack, the baby appointments and how much I miss him. Josh has temporarily taken over the Alpha position but always keeps me updated and ask me to sign off anything concerning the pack.

"I still haven't found out if we're having a boy or girl yet. I just can't bring myself to find out. It feels so wrong with you not being there. We should be doing this together. We should be putting our child's nursey together, not me and your parents. You should be standing beside me holding my hand as I get a sonogram, not Lilly. Please Tyler" I push some of his hair behind his ear

"Please just wake up. For us" I placed my hand onto my massive stomach as a lone tear fell down my cheek. I got up and kissed his forehead and walked out of the hospital.

"Hey baby" mum said as I walked into the kitchen where Brad and Janet also stood next to her cooking

"Hi" I said softly, slipping onto the kitchen stool

"you go and visit Tyler?" Janet asked as she walked up behind me and wrapped her arms around my massive stomach and placed her chin on my head. I nodded.

"Don't worry baby, he'll wake up before your child is born" mum said trying to help the situation, as if she could help. I'm about to give birth to my mates child and he is in a coma for god knows how long. This isn't how it's supposed to be.

"Hey, I think Lilly is watching a movie with Nutella and popcorn. I think she might want company, wanna go join her?" Brad said as he flipped a dish cloth over his should and gave me a sympathetic look. Sadly I nodded and slowly trudged my way towards the theatre room.

"Hey Grey" Lilly said as she looked up from her comfy position on the couch. One look my way and she immediately opened up her arms for me and that one single action set off the flood gates and my tears broke lose, I ran over to her open arms and spent the rest of the day crying, cuddling and watching sappy romantic movies which led to more crying. 

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