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 Grey's POV

I woke up in my bed, feeling sick. My eyes felt swollen and my arms and legs felt heavy and sore. I sat up and looked around my room. Everything was gone. The furniture and my clothes were both gone as well. What happened?

Sharp teeth and black fur flash before my vision as I remember the incident with Tyler. I quickly get out of the bed and run downstairs. I flinched when mum appeared.

"Where's Tyler?" I asked her quickly. She looked at me and frowned. "He's been here a couple times, leaving with your furniture and boxes. I heard the girls were going to pick you up"

I nodded slowly and sat down on the couch. The doorbell rang and I shot up, racing to the door. I said goodbye to mum and followed Ellie to the car where the rest of the girls were waiting inside.

"Hey, we heard about what happened" Bridget said looking sad. I nodded and sighed. Lilly gave me a reassuring hug and whispered sweet thoughts into my ear.

We had been driving for what seemed like hours. I felt stressed out and my palms were sweating. I felt so nervous to see Tyler again. We stopped in front of the pack house and got out of the car together.

From the darkness of the sky, I could tell that it was nearly night. The lights to the house were still off, like no one was home. Bridget ran up to the front of the house and opened the door. The house was pitch black inside, and I could hardly see anything. I could only hear our breathing when all of a sudden the lights were switched on. My eyes took a while to adjust. I looked around the living room and saw that People were jumping out from behind the furniture.

I saw Henley and Xena hiding behind the couch smiling at me. They finally decided to show up from their little getaway. I looked up when Tyler reluctantly walked out from behind the wall and slowly walked up to me.

"Hey, cuddles" He said scuffing his feet on the floor. "Surprise"

"I'm- I'm sorry. I couldn't control myself at your house, and I hurt you. I won't let that happen ever again. P- please forgive, I'll do anything" he said, pain in his eyes.

I can't even remember the amount of times I've had to forgive this man, but every time his sad face just makes me want to forgive him for his mistakes.

I sighed and smiled. "You better be sorry, mister. Next time you pull a stunt like this, imma have to punish you?" I said.

Tyler smiled from ear to ear and hugged me tightly. Everyone in the room cheered HOORAY. Henley whooped and Xena clapped very, very loudly. Bridget, Ellie and Lilly high fived each other.

The girls all went into the kitchen to start cooking dinner. I heard Henley yell ' I want pizza!'. I guess we're having pizza tonight. I laughed to myself at the way the girls fought over what type of sauce we were having. The things they fight over though.

"I want to show you something" Tyler whispered to me, smiling. He grabbed my hand and took me upstairs, up to the third level.

"Close your eyes, it's a surprise" he said, excitement in his voice. I did as I was told and he led me several metres down the hall. I heard him open a door and pull me inside.

"Okay, open ze eyes" I heard Tyler say excitedly. I opened my eyes and looked around at the room. The room was very large and included some of my furniture as well as some of Tyler's.

On the walls were photo's of everyone in the pack house? There were photo's of Tyler and Ellie as well as his mum. The walls were painted Blue,I turned in a circle to look at our shared room.

"Oh my god Tyler. Is this what you did while I was at my house?" I asked.

"Yeah, I felt so guilty for what I did to you that I decided to move your furniture for you. DO you like it?" he asked.

"I love it!" I said hugging him.

After I had a look around our new room we made our way downstairs. "Dinner is served, mate" Ellie said.

We ate dinner with everyone in the house. After dinner was all had some ice-cream and then gathered in the lounge-room.

"Hey do you guys want to watch a movie? Bridget asked. Lilly and Josh looked hesitant but finally agreed. Lilly and Josh sat on the floor in each other's embraces. Josh's hands laid on Lilly's stomach. They smiled at each other and looked at the tv which was starting the movie. Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix started. The Warner Bro's logo pops up and I swear I get the feels already.

Ellie and Daniel, her mate, sat playing thumb wars, as Henley and Xena started fighting for dominance throughout their make-out session. Tyler and I sat in the loveseat together. Tyler's arm wraps around mine as he played with my fingers.

"You know I'm really glad that you forgave me" tyler whispered into my hair as he continued to play with my fingers.

"Okay guys, I can't wait any longer"Josh said while pausing the movie and standing up with Lilly..

"Um guys, Lilly and I have something very important to tell you" Josh said while holding Lilly's hand.

"Lilly's pregnant! We found out a couple days ago, but we wanted to wait till everyone was here to share the news" Josh said jumping up and down.

"Oh my God! Yayayayaya" Ellie and Henley screamed. Everyone got up and started partying. Tyler got up and slapped Josh on the back and smiled . They looked like best mates. I smiled and got to hug Lilly and congratulate her. Lilly and the girls were laughing and crying at the same time which seemed kinda weird.

"Oh, I'm going to be an aunt!" Ellie said to everyone. She seems pretty happy about being an aunt.

"So, what are you going to name it?" Henley asked while Xena wrapped her arms around Hayley's waist and burying her face into her neck.

"Well, we thought that if it's a girl we would name her annabell" Lilly said.

"And if It's a boy we were thinking James" said Josh, very loudly. I think that Josh wants a boy, not a girl. Lilly rolled her eyes and smiled.

We watched Harry potter after the celebrations and at midnight everyone went upstairs to their rooms. Only Henley and Xena stayed downstairs, don't want to even think about what they'll get up to. Tyler and Josh were laughing and talking to each other as we all climbed the stairs to the third floor.

"Welp, I think It's time for you to head to bed missy" Josh said while wrapping his arms around Lilly's waist.

"Aww but I'm not tired" she said while pouting, Josh shook his head and pulled Lilly to their room across the hallway.

"Say good night, Lilly" he said, while she replied with a smart ass comment.

"Good night Lilly" she said as she made her way towards her bedroom. Josh followed shaking his head like ' what have I gotten myself into'.

"Ok missy, lets get you to bed" Tyler said while picking me up bridal style. I waved at Bridget as she slowly disappeared from my sight.

"You know that one day I'll be carrying you like this except we'll be walking down aisle" I smile at him as we walk into our room.

He put me down on the bed and laid down next to me. We lay face to face until I couldn't keep my eyes open.


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