chapter twelve : scissors

605 17 1

1/3 ; 7:03 PM ; Durance Family Household

Nix stood infront of the cracked mirror and placed himself infront of the largest shard he could find that didn't twist his features .

His phone buzzed on the sink .

Alex : I'm staying at Hansen's tonight .

Nix's digits danced across the screen , sending back a reply lightning fast .

Nix : Do I need to tell Mom ?

Dad knows : Alex
Love you : Alex

Nix : I love you too .

Although it was an unspoken rule , it was still a rule . Nix was to play along with Alex's perverted actions or else Alex would do any of the number of things he threatened to do over text

Or worse : lie about the ACT .

There was usually a ' You will be rewarded for good behavior ' that came along with ' and you shall be punsihed for bad ' , but there was no reward here because Alex had gone eight different kinds of brain dead .

Nic stood in front of that shard , and dragged his hand across it , clearing it of all steam and giving him a clean view of his face . His eyes had gotten darker , and signs of his liver shutting down signaled in them . He needed more water .

Nix picked up the razor , and began trimming . He dragged the hair clippers over the scraggly , black mess that was his hair . Chunks of raven fell into the sink , down his arms , and down his chest .

He was tempted to shave every bit of hair off . To do a complete buzzcut . It would satisfy the need for a change .

This is what people in funks did ; They tried for change .

He decided not to cut it off - assuming he wouldn't look all to well without hair and began trying to map out something that resembled symmetry .

He did the sides first , attempting a fade . A horrible fade , but a fade .

He managed to get something that , in his opinion , wasn't horrible ( definitely wasn't good in his opinion either ) and went onto the bangs .

He brought his scissors from his room and began trimming his bangs , knicking his middle finger in the process and getting beyond annoyed . Now both his thumb and favourite finger were wounded . Joy .

Just keeping cutting yourself , he rolled his eyes , you dumb fuck .

" How much hair do I have ? " He hadn't gotten a haircut in over a month , but this was just ridiculous . He pulled his phone up and angled it to the back of his head so he could rid himself of the part mullet he had accidentally made .

By the time he was finished , Nix pulled two hanfuls of hair from the sink , dumped them into the garbage , and washed them down the drain . He opened his phone's camera again and stared into it , trying to adjust his hair in a way that didn't look like a sleep deprived teenage boy just went at it free hand .

The jumble of curls had become a slightly less large jumble of curls , without sides .

On the bright side , he no longer looked identical to Alex . He smiled into the camera , internally cheering at the line he had ingraved into the ground between he and Alex .

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