chapter five ; Gemenii

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12/18 ; 6:30 AM ; Durance Family Household

Nix Durance woke up on the hard wood floor of the living room yet again . His phone laid a few feet away from him , blarring an indie song that he couldn't quiet place in his current state . It sounded obscure though .

He dismissed the alarm and climbed to his feet .

Alex had , once again , come home God knows when . Likely past midnight . Nix had stayed both in and out of the house that day , forcing himself to face if his brother was indeed home , before chickening out and running back to the park .

But Alex never came back ; not even bothering to return to the house on Sunday - leaving Nix with the half hearted excuse of ' I don't know ' to defend his brother's asbence . Nix collapsed on the couch both nights ; something he found himself doing more and more frequently . However , now was a Monday - a school day . That didn't mean he planned to sleep anywhere but the couch , but at least he had a seven hour distraction from Alex .

Nix had all but moved onto the couch by now . He couldn't bare to face Alex . He didn't have the guts to . Of course , everyday , Nix would hear stupid jokes about ' Oh , twins - three some ? ' or ' How could you not fuck your self - ' , and the response was always a , ' Shut up ' from the both of them . The jokes could've gotten to Alex , but Nix doubted it . Something was obviously way off for Alex to be acting the way he was .

Way off . Something-fucked-happened off .

Nix snuck into the room , Alex , finally , back . He was in Nix's bunk again , but at least he was back .

Nix took a blue sweater from the closet , jeans from his drawers , and ran his fingers through his hair a couple of times while starring into the stand up mirror next to the door . He made it look messy - how he prefered it .

He had showered before Alex came back the previous nights .

Alex's alarm began screaming , hard screamo blasting through the air next to Alex's head . Alex's face twitched and Nix stumbled back slightly . He waited until the alarm quieted to move , thankful Alex didn't .

Nix was tempted to wake Alex up , as he usually did when Jerome's Dream didn't knock Alex out of his dream . It always managed to wake up Nix .

Nix didn't wake him though .

Instead , he rode the rusted bike to school in place of the jeep as a favor for when Alex did wake up .

Upon arrival to Larcoke high ( What Team ?! : Wildcats ! ) , Nix locked his bike into the rack and yanked the chain shut . Broken or not , he valued the bike .

Nix began , with a small group of freshman girls in tow whispering about his looks , walking inside the school .

Larcoke was known for not only it's academic excellence , but it's athletic as well . Both Nix and Alex were partially responsible for putting Larcoke in the brand name school category . Nix , every year , hit the idealistic score of thirty six on his ACTs , and Alex , every year , not only carried his team to nationals , but won them as well .

Larcoke has more than a couple of trophes thanks to the Durance twins .

Larcoke itself was nothing special . It was three stories , and pretty large , but that was nothing out of the ordinary for the size of their student population . Over a thousand kids , and Nix managed to get singled out every day .

In hind sight , Nix was popular . Well liked ? Not for more than his brand and Alex . Alex was Barbie and Nix was Midge . He was an accessory that the toy company used when they didn't want to puncture Barbie's image .

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