chapter three ; the world is burning

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12/16 ; 1:38 AM ; Durance family household .


Nix shifted slightly in his sleep , the buzzing of his phone eventually waking him completely as he slammed his hand down upon it . He yanked it from it's charging position on the nightstand and hissed at the sudden light that blinded him . Alex Mae greeted him in form of a lock screen , along with twelve or so text notifications from non other than his beloved brothed .

Nix didn't want to wake up , not yet anyways . He was experiencing a very vivid dream centered purely on the debate opponent he had made cry during the previous debate meet . She had crumpled up onto the ground , wheezing and weeping as her shoes scuffed against the ground . Not in a sexual way ; just crying .

Nix wondered if he was a sadist .

Alex : Heyyyyyyy
Alex : hello
Alex : 😴😴😴 wake up
Alex : wake ☝ ⏰⏰
Alex : !!!!
Alex : 🙏 give me strength not to beat your ass

Nix was tempted to leave him on read and blue ball him over text as he had been done to a week ago - something he was still slightly angry over . Alex was just a bunk away after all ; if he really needed something , he'd say it . What he was doing right now was weird in and of itself , but Alex was a pretty weird person .

Although the letterman was wanted , nobody would call it fashionable . If hit with the right lighting , Alex looked like he walked out of a '89 boys fashion mag trying to appeal to the young and ' hip ' . Few of the patches , said for the pom pom , cherries , and a match ( girlfriend 12 ; located on mid back ) actually fit the whole red and white color scheme Larcoke High offered .

Nix eye's adjusted on the screen , and he began typing his response only for the phone to buzz again and let off the same little annoying chirp . Nix's eyes darted across the tex and he gagged .

Alex : Would you suck my dick , you slut ?

Nix could've gone til death without knowing about any of his brother's sexual reprieves - he got the daily dosage from school rumors on his own - he didn't need a direct source .

Although he and Alex shared a room , and knew most literally everything about eachother , they stayed out of anything involving each other's sexual needs . The only thing the two shared with each other concerning that was the fact Nix was an incognito guy and Alex was a clear history one .

Nix deleted his reply entirely , and , so not to make a fuss that could potentially wake Thomas ( who was known to rage if awoken from his precious beauty sleep a second too early or late ) began typing .

Nix : Look at the recipient , dumbass .

It didn't take long for yet another message to come in .

Alex : I'm hard just thinking about it

Nix figured the texts were meant to go to Jaime , or the girl he had mentioned last week . Likely the latter .

However , Alex hadn't given Nix the news of a break up with Jaime ; which was usually something Nix was alerted of immediately . He was , more often than not , the first to know of Alex's break ups . Only being beat my Hajeem or Hansen on the occasion .

Nix slammed his foot against the bed above him , jarring the mattress with a surprising ease . It was alot lighter than it usually was .

" You're fucking gross , stop . " Nix insulted , before turning on his side and back to his phone . The time read one fourty in the morning . Nix was usually the insomniac between the two . Alex valued sleep almost as much as he valued that letterman .

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