Chapter Twenty-Three

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Saige's eyes teared up as she read the link that one of her Instagram followers had sent her. She couldn't believe what she was reading. Trey, the guy that she can barely talk about, had kidnapped and raped another girl but was shot and killed in a shoot out with police. She was crying not from sadness but from the relief and happiness that her nightmare was over and gone.

"What's wrong?" Saige looked up from the couch. Logan could see the tears in her eyes. "What happened?" Saige handed her phone to Logan and watched as he read it. A few minutes later, he looked up.

"I've spent eight years being terrified that he was going to find me." Saige said as she stood up. "But my nightmare is finally over." Logan smiled and wrapped his arms around Saige. She giggled and wrapped her arms around her neck.


Saige went over to Beth's house to show her and Victoria the news of what happened with Trey. As usual, Tyler was there but he was a close friend with Saige.

"Is he really gone?" Beth asked as after reading the link.

"I didn't believe it either." Saige replied with a big smile. "I feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest because I've been so scared he was gonna try to find me and do something to me again."

"You're finally free from him. We need to go celebrate...not him dying but him not being able to do anything anymore."


Saige and Logan had decided to go out with the crew which included Lydia, Mark, Kylie, Johannes, Amanda, Tyler, and Beth. Saige hadn't felt this free in a long time. She, Kylie, Amanda, Lydia, and Beth all danced on the dance floor with the guys watching at their booth. Saige had a big smile on her face making Logan smile as he watched her.

"She seems happier." Mark said to Logan. "Something happen?"

"Let's just say she's free from her nightmare." Logan replied as he took a sip from his drink. "I've been trying to protect from the fear that someone from her past was gonna come looking for her. He was a really fucked up guy and she was terrified of him, but he's gone now and she's so much happier."

"Awe, our Logan's in love." Johannes teased making everybody laugh.

"Very much so, boys." Logan smiled again and took another sip of his drink. He then walked onto the dance floor. Saige smiled as Logan came up behind him. The rest of the guys followed. What Ifs by Kane Brown started playing and Saige immediately smiled again. She'd always thought this song reminded her and her relationship with Logan.

Saige completely zoned out the rest of the world as she danced with Logan. Her hips moved to the song as Logan wrapped his arms around her shoulders. She put her hands on his arms as they continued to dance. Saige then turned in Logan's grasp. Logan then kissed her in front of everybody, not caring that they were in a group of people that could see. Neither of them cared anymore. Logan was very much in love with the girl he met six years ago; the girl that was passed by in the hall by everybody. The girl that walked with her head low.

Logan and Saige have been through the ringer. They've been tested, and they've come out on top. Everybody knows Logan Paul as the vlogger who has always seemed like a guy who couldn't be serious about anything but here is, kissing his fiancé in public, in a large group of people with not care in the world.


Saige woke up the next morning to the feeling of Logan's arms wrapped around her. She smiled as she looked at him. Her phone the buzzed and she looked at it to see that I was a text from Amanda. She had sent her a picture from last night of Saige and Logan kissing that she took for them. Saige smiled and immediately shared it on Instagram with the caption I've never felt so protected until I met this guy. He's done so much for me and I've never been this happy. I love you, Logan Paul.

Logan stared to stir, and Saige turned around to look at him. He smiled at her as he opened his eyes.

"I love you too, Saige Rollins."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2018 ⏰

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