The One

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After going to physical therapy three times a week for two weeks I finally started to make some progress. I also made a unlikely friend in Nicole who really isn't that bad. She's actually kind of funny and tells me about some of the fun times she had. It's not a friendship I ever thought I would have, but here I am.

By the middle of July I was able to walk in a walking boot without crutches. I had surgery three months ago and was making great progress. That was a lot of thanks to Nicole and making sure I was working it out but not pushing it and Jonathan always making sure I ice and take ibuprofen to keep the swelling down.

And while wedding dress shopping in a boot is far from what I had in mind it's how it ended up happening. Jon took Patrick and Olivia to the zoo while me, Andree, Maria, Denise, and my uncle goes wedding dress shopping. My uncle promised my dad once I started doing wedding stuff he would be there for me and my uncle is a man of his word. He was going to walk me down the isle and help me find a dress and whatever else I needed. Sure he would much rather be at the zoo with Jon and Patrick but he wasn't going to complain about being here. He had a great fashion sense, he actually picks out all my ice skating outfits.

My party and I arrive at a bridal shop on Michigan Ave and spread out to look at dresses. I quietly look around and talk to the consultant about the wedding. I tell her the colors of the wedding and where it is and the setting and she helped me pick out a few and everyone else found a few they liked so I tried them all on.

And while they were all so nice, only one really caught my attention. I wasn't sure who picked it out or why, but it was so pretty.

The consultant helps me slip it on and ties me up

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The consultant helps me slip it on and ties me up. I know it didn't have to, but it fit perfectly which made me so happy. The details were prefect and it was simply beautiful to look at. It wasn't too much but wasn't missing anything either.

I look in the mirror and smile big.

"Wow, you look amazing" the woman says and I laugh.

"Thank you. It's kind of crazy to think about getting married" I admit. "It wasn't until now did I feel like it's actually happening."

"Well your wedding sounds beautiful, I sure am happy for you" she says and I turn to her.

"Wait, you know who I am" I ask and she smiles.

"I do. I love watching ice skating. And watching you ice skate, it's a whole different experience really. I was trying not to go all fan girl on you but I have to tell you, you're such a gift. When I watch you skate for the US it makes me so proud to be a American. To feel like we're doing something right in this country. Thank you for always making us proud" she says and I smile big. That made my heart skip.

"Thank you for believing in me" I reply.

I pull her into a hug and she pats my back. We break apart and she smiles big.

"So... is this this dress" she asks.

"Let's go find out" I nod.

I walk out and everyone stops talking. I stand in front of them with my arms out so they could see it all. I do a little spin as it remains impossibly still.

"Well... what do you think" I ask.

"Darling, you look... stunning" Andree says.

"Yeah. Sweetie you in that dress is incredible" Denise agrees.

"I'm so fucking good at this" my uncle claims and I giggle.

"You picked this one out" I ask.

"Yup. And I was right. It's perfect" he smiles.

"Alrighty then. I found my wedding dress" I smile.

I change out of it and find a bag to put it in. Andreé was taking it up to Winnipeg for safe keeping until the wedding. We look around for some bridesmaids dresses and get ideas. We weren't getting them yet because we wanted to get the guys fitted for tuxes at the same time but we were just getting some idea of what we want.

After spending hours looking at wedding dresses we were free. We decide to meet the boys and eat some pizza. We decide to dine at Genos west and meet up there.

I take my child back from Patrick who never seems to want to put her down. I turn her Do she faces me and she smiles when she realizes who it is.

"Hi baby, did you miss me" I ask and she claps her little hands together.

"Mama" she cheers and I smile.

"That's right. I'm right here" I say. I kiss her cheek before setting her in a booster seat. Going out to eat is a lot easier now that she can sit up by herself and we don't have to find somewhere reachable to put her baby carrier. She can even nibble on pizza until I decide it's too messy and take it away from her.

"So, did you find a dress" Jonathan asks as I pull out her bib and proceed to feed her until our food got here.

"I did" I smile and he raises a eyebrow at me.

"And..." he trails off.

"And you're going to have to wait until Christmas Eve to see it" I assure him and he lets out a groan.

"That's so far away" he pouts.

"Oh hush it. You'll be fine" I insist.

"I don't think I can make it" he teases and I roll my eyes.

"You'll figure it out" I laugh.

"How is your ankle feeling" he wonders.

"It's not comfortable but there's no pain" I shrug.

"Do you need some ibuprofen" he asks.

"That would be nice" I admit. He pulls some out and I take it with the water I had. I finish feeding Olivia and she looked tired. We put her in the stroller do she could sleep and I could actually eat in peace for once.

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