Athletes Ball

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"How do I look" I ask Maria as I spun around in my beautiful dress. Mike helped me get it for the athletes ball tonight and I fell in love. He always spoiled me but I wasn't about to complain. We had a good relationship and I was forever thankful for all he's done for me. And that includes buying me this dress. This is the first time I've got to dress up in forever and I hate to admit that I felt so beautiful.

"You look stunning

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"You look stunning. They're not going to know what hit them" she smiles. Unfortunately Maria wasn't going to be able to make it tonight because she didn't feel good and that made me sad. She was a senior too and untouchable only get to get honored at one of theses. But I promised to bring her back some food and the best trophies. All for her. I grab my things and rush over to the auditorium to get this thing started.

At the end of the school year St. Mary's always has a ball where they honor the best athletes from the school year. Only seniors get awards but everyone is invited. Both Jon and I was being honored tonight and I was so excited. Not often do I get to wear beautiful dresses such as this one and dance with the people I love the most. But I was almost done here, we graduate in a few weeks, and I wanted to let lose and have some fun. Make some more memories before I'm not able to anymore.

I arrive and find some of my friends sitting around a table. I sit down to talk to them and was already having a great time. They serve us some dinner but I wasn't too hungry. I spent most of my time talking so I didn't really get to eat much.

"You are seriously the prettiest person I've ever seen" my friend Mandy says.

"Please stop, my face is going to turn red" I admit stuffing my face in my hands. I feel a tap on my shoulder and look up. I see Jon with a red rose and a big smile on his face. His large body towering over me as the whole table falls silent. He looked so sharp and I feel my heart rate pick up.

"You know I've been to a lot places, I've seen a lot of things. But nothing, and I mean nothing, comes close to being as beautiful as you are. Somehow you keep looking prettier than usual tonight and I have to keep reminding myself that I am the luckiest man alive. But I don't mind because it's such a great thing to remember. And although we don't have a lot of time left together I would love to share with you this one last dance" he says putting his hand out for me to take. All my friends start to whisper but I didn't care. I place my hand in his and he pulls me up. He places the rose on my seat and we head to the dance floor. I wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his arms around my waist. We were the only ones out there as we just sway back and fourth.

"I feel like I'm in a Disney movie" I admit.

"I hope it's not Shrek" he teases.

"No. More like Cinderella without all the dramatics" I laugh.

"Cinderella has nothing on you" he claims and I feel the heat raise to my cheeks again.

"You've always been my Prince Charming" I admit.

We continue to dance and I rest my cheek on his chest. I hear his heart beating a mile a minute as we continue to dance.

"I love you so much Cassie" he whispers.

"I love you most" I whisper back. For some reason when we said it that time it meant much more than all the other times.

After we eat it was time for awards and recognition. Jon gets called up for male athlete of the year and MVP of the tournament his team was it. They say a few words on his behalf and say where he is going. He steps up to the mic and a says a few words.

"Hey guys. Just wanted to say thank you. I'm honored that you guys voted for me. These have been a great 2 years and I'm sad to leave. Wherever I go in my career I know it's because of this place. Each of you impacted my life and I'll never forget you. And for my girlfriend Cassidy, I love you. Thanks for being my biggest fan and coming to my games. You always find time for us in our busy schedules and you really made all this worth the while. Thank you and I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their night" he finishes with a wave.

He sits down next to me and I give him a kiss.

"That was beautiful" I whisper before he kisses me back.

Eventually I was called up and I stand on stage shifting in my spot. They announce me as female athlete of the year, academic scholar, and said that the ice skating program will forever be changed because of me. I step up to the mic and look out to these people who have so dearly impacted my life.

"I don't know where to start. This school has been my home for as long as I can remember. I've made so many friends and memories here I can't believe that in a few short weeks it's all over. I'm so happy that when people think of ice skating they think of me. All the girls are here for the same reason I am, they pushed me to get better every day. I will never forget you guys. And to Jon. You are the best thing to ever happen to me. I can't tell you how many times I wanted to quit but you were right there beside me assuring me that it's going to be okay. And thank you uncle mike. You didn't have to do any of this for me but you did. I love you all. Thank you" I say before stepping down.

The awards end and I head back to my dorm room a little sad but with a happy heart. A lot of stuff was packed away but all my medals and trophies and stuff was sitting out. I look at all I accomplished in my time here. There was so many good thing about this place I was going to miss. I grab onto the necklace Jon got me for Christmas that hung over my chest and smile. My favorite memory was encased in here and I didn't have to let that one go. It was always going to rest over my heart as well as in it.

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