Out With The Old and In With The New

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As the summer passes us by life gets sweeter by the day. I'm about to have my day with the cup then get ready for Olivia to get here. We still had a bunch of things planned with the cup and with the family.

But first we are going to celebrate Cassidy's birthday for she was about to turn 23 and I, for one, was very excited. We were going to get a bunch of people together from school and the team and go ice skating because where else would she celebrate her birthday? She wouldn't be able to skate much longer and she definitely wasn't training anymore, but she still worked out and skated. It's amazing the things this girl can do even though she is seven months pregnant.

We all meet up at Johnny's ice house and greet everyone. It was almost like a class reunion, Cassidy's old roommate Maria was there and my old roommate Ricky came along with some of our other friends from high school we've kept in touch with. Of course Patrick came back and I even had my family comes down as a surprise for her.

After everyone gets there we put on skates and hit the ice. Everyone there knew how to skate which made it a lot more fun. I skate around with Cassidy for a few minutes before going to catch up with my old friends. A lot of them I played against in college or in the nhl so it was kinda cool to see it come full circle.

"I can't believe the power couple of my high school is now the power couple of the world" Ricky claims and I laugh.

"So that's what they're calling it" I ask.

"Just think about it. How fate brought you guys back together so you can both win gold at the Olympics, have a child, and win the Stanley cup. How is anyone supposed to top that" he asks.

"I'll admit. It's been great. We used to dream about these things as kids and now we're a little bit older and our dreams are becoming a reality. And it hasn't been easy, there were some bumps in the road. But we always find comfort in each other and get through it together" I explain.

"And that, everyone, is what it's like to be a perfect couple" Ricky claims.

"We're not perfect" I defend.

"You kind of are" another friend chimes in.

"There's no such thing as a perfect couple. But I believe we are perfect for each other" I admit.

"Awwww " Ricky coos and I roll my eyes. Idiot.

After catching up we leave the ice and head to get some food. There was little snacks and cupcakes sitting around. I find Cassidy talking to my parents and decide to slip in the conversation.

"What are you guys talking about" I wonder as I wrap my arm around Cassidy.

"The rest of the summer. We're trying to get things figured out" Cassidy claims.

"It's your birthday, you should be having fun" I insist.

"I am! I got to see all my old friends and be surrounded by people I love most. I'm having a great time" she insists.

"Good" I smile before placing a soft kiss on her lips.

We talk a little about what was going to happen before it was time to walk around again. People hand her cards and a few give gifts. She asked for baby stuff and gift cards to Macy's and other things to get ready for the baby and I'm not even mad about it. I'm taking any and all the help I could get.

"Hey, where's Maria" she asks holding her card in her hand. "I wanted to thank her but I can't seem to find her" she claims. I look around and I didn't see her either.

"I'm not sure. I don't see her. And now that we mention it, I haven't seen Patrick in a while either" I admit. She turns to me with big eyes and I couldn't help but laugh.

"You don't think..." she trails off.

"With those crazy kids, I wouldn't be surprised" I chuckle. She puts the card back in the pile and prays she's the only one leaving here pregnant.

After a while people start to leave. The guys from the team were in town to get ready for the next season but honestly we're still partying. Our friends go back to wherever they came from and we head to our home.

We get inside and I smile big. I watch as Cassidy walks around the couch and there sat a big box and a little box on the end table. She stops and turns to me questionably.

"What is this" she asks pointing to the sparkly red wrapping paper.

"Your birthday presents" I insist.

She picks up the first one and I stand beside her. I watch her open it and smile big when she lets out a gasp.

She pulls out a tiny little pair of ice skates. A little white pair kinda like her old ones, but these are a lot cleaner. There was a pair of ruffle socks in there too with a big O on them.

"Jonathan, these are the cutest little things I have ever seen in my life" she whispers staring at the skates.

"I wanted my baby to look just like her momma" I insist. "Open the other box" I encourage and she does so.

In there was the exact same pair of skates, but these ones were her size. She had all but out skated her old ice skates and had been looking at new ones. I knew she loves the old fashion white ones so I decided to stick with those. But I got these ones embroidered to say "Fire and Ice" in the heel part. She traces her finger over the lettering before turning to me with tears in her eyes.

"I don't know what to say" she says softly.

"A kiss would suffice" I tease. She smiles before pulling me as close as she could with her growing baby. She places her lips on mine and I happily kiss her back. "Thank you" she smiles as we break apart.

"Too bad we can't break those bad boys in yet" I tease.

"I was exhausted after skating one lap today" she laughs.

"If it makes you feel any better you were glowing out there" I claim.

"I have a lot to be happy about" she smiles.

"I hope I'm one of the reasons" I admit.

"You're all of them."

Fire and Ice (Jonathan Toews)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz