Doesn't Get Better Than This

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"Good shift boys! Keep it up!"

My team and the team we were playing against was all tied up at 2 a piece late in the game. It was one of the last games before the tournament started and we wanted to making sure we were playing to the best of our abilities. We were outplaying them pretty well, but the shots just didn't want to go in.

I jump over the boards and my line takes back control of the game. We make tape to tape passes for a little trying to read the defense. I see a collapse in front of the net and carry the puck there. I pull the puck back and throw a wrist shot bar down. I knew it was going in before I even took the shot but I still celebrated like I didn't. I stay out to defend our net as the other team pulls their goalie.

After a empty netter we win the game 4-2 giving us good positioning in the standings. As of right now our team was the top seed and we wanted to keep it that way.

After a nice long shower I rush to my dorm room and throw my things on my bed. My bag busts open sending my stuff everywhere as I run around trying to find what I needed.

"Bro, you need to wash those" my roommate Ricky whines holding his nose.

"I will in a little" I say changing right in front of him. No time for decency. We do it all the time at games so why should it matter?

"Why are you in such a hurry" he asks sitting up in bed trying to shelter his eyes.

"It's Valentine's Day, I have plans" I explain.

"Right. Tell Cassie I say hi" he says as I pull on some shoes.

"Of course. See you later" I say running out the door.

It's hard to be in a relationship while being here, time really is of the essence. We were both busy with practice and games and competitions and school. But we always find time for each other. And although work out dates aren't all that romantic, it didn't matter. We're with each other and that's good enough.

I head to the old oak tree and find her standing there in skinny jeans and one of my hockey hoodies. Her long blond hair braided over her shoulder and a cute little hat on top of her head. She looked amazing but she looked cold.

"Are you crazy? It's freezing out here! How long have you been here" I ask.

"I don't know. Like ten minutes" she shivers. I start rubbing her arms and she smiles up at me.

"You're insane" I say.

"Can we please go inside and get some hot chocolate" she asks. She literally always wanted hot chocolate. I put my arm around her and we head to the dining hall. There was vending machines that gave hot choloate and I got us two cups. We head to the fireplace to warm up and sit in front of it on the floor. I place her in my lap as we silently watch the fire crackle enjoying the hot chocolate. My arms latched around her as we just sit together.

"Happy valentines day" she says softly causing me to get chills. I love when she did that. I place a kiss on her lips and I feel her smile. Her lips tasted like chocolate.

"Happy Valentine's Day" I smile back.

"Nice game winning goal by the way. That was sick" she starts.

"Oh! That reminds me" I say digging in my pocket. I grab the puck out and place it in her lap.

"Is this from today" she asks studying it.

"Yeah, I didn't get anything for you for Valentine's Day so I got you a goal" I smirk.

"I love it, thank you" she says giving me a kiss on my cheek. We talk for a little before someone comes over.

"Hey Cassidy" a guy says and I squint at him. I see him check her out and get really jealous really fast. I couldn't help it, I get she's friends with literally every here. But I hated that that guys looked at her like I wasn't even there. Plus I've seen this guy around campus a few times and he just rubbed me the wrong way.

"Hi Sherman. How are you today" she asks.

"I'm good. You look great by the way" he replies and I let off a huff. She rubs my leg and it did distract me... among other things.

"Thank you. But did you need something? I was kind of spending some time with my boyfriend for Valentine's Day" she says placing a small hand on my chest. That made me feel better.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was intruding. I'll let you guys be" he says backing away.

"Nice talking to you" she smiles and he turns and walks away. She turns to me with a smirk on her face and I stare back at her.

"What" I ask.

"Were you jealous" she asks.

"Ummm duh" I admit and she giggles.

"There's a lot of great guys here, but only has my heart. And that's you" she says poking my nose.

"I know. I just hate knowing literally every guy here wants to be with you" I sigh.

"Too bad they can't. Because I love you too much" she claims turning around in my lap so she's straddling me. She kisses me passionately and I relax into it. Her body grinds against mine as we sit alone late this night.

"Do you want to come back to my room" she whispers.

"Isn't Maria there" I ask.

"She's at a soccer tournament in Wisconsin" she says softly.

"Then lets go" I say.

We rush over to her place and immediately start shedding our clothes. She pushes me onto the bed and I smile up at her. She puts a finger up and goes to the dresser. She pulls out a condom and I laugh.

"I'm sorry, but I don't need to be pregnant" she laughs.

After it was all said and done we lay in her bed tangled in the sheets. I run my fingers through her hair as we catch our breath. We hold each other close to keep the heat in and I couldn't help but feel so good.

"There's only one way this night could get better" she claims.

"Name it" I say a little too desperately.

"If we get to watch shrek" she says and I laugh. Of course. I pull on my boxers and she puts on underwear and the shirt I was wearing. We pop some popcorn in the microwave and put the movie in. I laugh as she recites almost every line of the movie and I do it with her. We sing really off key along to the songs and I realized that life doesn't get better than this. I will never find anything like his no matter how long and how hard I look for it. And it sucks, but I sure wasn't going to let that stop me from enjoying this now.

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