The Right Way

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I sit on the edge of the my seat as I watch the gold medal game. I was already exhausted of the ups and downs of Olympic hockey but man, this was brutal. I'm forever thankful that ice skating was done before hockey started up because my heart wouldn't be able to take it all.

The US and Canada was tied going into over time for the gold medal and I forgot how much I didn't miss this. The intensity, I've never felt anything like it. It was torture really. Those St. Mary's games aren't seeming too bad anymore.

I sit with Jon's parents in the stands and Patrick's family too. I've gotten to know Patrick and have become quite fond of him. We had a lot in common and he loved telling embarrassing stories of Jon. I even had some of my own to share. He was a really good kid and we even had a heart to heart the other day when I was really upset about Jon. He understands my situation with him and is cheering us on. Plus we both represent the great U S of A. I know that if I wanted to move to Chicago I'm going to need someone besides just Jon there and he was a good companion to have.

"Is it over yet" I whine into my hands. I couldn't even watch it at this point. It made me sick.

"No. Unfortunately" Andrée says rubbing my back. I stand up next to her during a tv time out and see Jon looking up here. He smiles big and that causes me to smile too. I couldn't help it. We look at each other before he gets pulled into the task at hand.

We haven't told anyone that we were together. Everyone knew Nicole left but that didn't mean we were automatically together. No one made that big of a deal with her leaving. She apparently wasn't a favorite with Jons friends and family and everyone was too focused on the games to even process that she was gone. We wanted to keep our relationship on the down low for a while until all the Olympic talk was over so it doesn't become political or theatrical. But obviously we weren't doing a good job of that.

"Wait... are you two a thing" Bryan asks as he watches the interaction between us unfold. We just got together yesterday and we didn't say anything because he and Nicole separate hours before that. Not exactly the best of situations. But I can't lie to his parents.

"Umm yeah, I guess we are trying things out again" I admit. Andrée does a little happy dance that makes me giggle. Man I've missed her. Denise has been great, but Andree with always be my second mother.

"Oh I'm so happy. You know I never liked that Nicole girl. She kinda looked like you but she was nothing like you. Oh I couldn't stand her" she rambles and Bryan rolls his eyes.

"She wasn't that bad" he defends.

"Wasn't that good either" she mumbles and I laugh. We are snapped out of our thoughts by the increasing volume of the stadium. We look to the ice as Sidney Crosby wins it for Canada sending a lot of happy people home. The guys celebrate on the ice as I freak out with Jons parents.

"We did it" Andrée yells as she wraps her arms around me. She kisses my head and I smile remembering what it was like to have a mom. This was cool.

After the game we wait for Jon down by the locker rooms. He had quite the tournament so he was in popular demand. Finally he comes out with his gold medal around his neck and a smile on his face. People come in and out as he makes his way over to us.

"Theres my gold medal winning son" his dad says with his arms wide open. Jon walks in them and it makes my heart happy to see that. Such a beautiful family.

"Thanks dad" he says between hard slaps on the back. Ouch.

"I'm so proud of you honey" Andrée says hugging him too.

"I tried" he laughs. Finally he turns to me and the smile stains my face. I couldn't help it. I missed him so much.

"Fire" he says.

"Ice" I reply. He pulls me into a kiss and I hear a bunch of commotion. We break apart not aware of what we just caused as everyone had a camera into our faces. I'm not even sure where everyone even came from. There was no one in here a moment again, I swear.

"Jonathan are you cheating on your girlfriend with Cassidy?"
"Jon are you cheating on Canada with Cassidy?"
"Are you guys a item now?"
"Cassidy are you going to keep competing or run away to Chicago with Jon?"
"How long have you two been a thing?"

Bryan quickly pulls us out of that mess and into a shuttle to the hotel. I sat there shocked because I've been hounded by media since I stepped foot here, but never like that.

"What just happened" I ask.

"I don't know. But I'm sure it's a mess" Jon says.

We get back to the hotel and start to pack up. I gather my things and lay my medal on top of my clothes. I smile as I remember what it felt like on that ice, how it felt to have this medal hung around my neck. It was great. Something I'll never forget, but I close my suit case and close the door on this chapter of my life. I had four years until the next Olympics and I plan on defending my title.

"So are you just staying with me when we get back to Chicago" Jon asks wrapping his arms around me before kissing my neck.

"That would be nice, until I find my own place" I nod.

"What? You don't want to live with me" he asks a little upset.

"I figured you liked your space. Always have" I shrug.

"I like my space, but I love you. And there's no point of you finding your own place if we would just move in again eventually" he claims.

"And what makes you think I would eventually move in" I ask crossing my arms.

"Because we are supposed to get married... if we listen to what our senior yearbook says" he claims.

"In that case Margo is going to be our president and I'm concerned because she cheated off of me many times in calc class" I tease.

"Come here" he says sitting on the bed and pulling me into his lap.

"I obviously did this wrong so let me say it again. Cassidy Williams. The love of my life and light in my world. It would be the greatest honor if you moved to Chicago with me" he says and I smile.

"Well when you put it that way..." I trail off. I place a deep kiss on his lips giving him my answer.

"Great. So we should uh... finish packing" he says moving me off his lap and heading to the bathroom. I roll my eyes and put the rest of things in my suitcase.

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