Never stopped loving you

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2010 Olympics

Vancouver, Canada.

Day one of competition.

I walk around Olympic village trying to acquaint myself with the unfamiliar places. I've competed all around the world in the past five years and surprisingly enough Vancouver was never one of them. Then again that made me happy because I had a new place to travel to. It was just my second day here and besides a few of the competitors and Denise I didn't know anyone here. The media knew of me, they've been following me around since I left that school, but I wasn't going down that road unless I absolutely had to. I was pretty much out here on my own trying to lay low and get comfortable. I know Jon was around here somewhere but I have no clue where to find him. I don't even know what I would say if I saw him. For all I know he's different now.

But I couldn't worry about that anyway because I had a competition to focus on. And not one from St. Mary's or even nationals or worlds. No, this was the Olympics and my dreams were finally coming true. It is the highest level of competition and I was the favorite to win it all. There's was a lot of pressure there. But I was 21 now and do most things on my own, so I was going to explore on my own too.

I find a little cafe in Olympic village and sit down to drink some hot chocolate. Some things really don't change. I had nowhere to be and time to kill. I loved taking in all the culture and stuff so I decide to people watch for a while. After all these were the worlds greatest athletes, something interesting is bound to happen.

After sitting there for a while I hear what sounds like someone calling my name. I turn around in the booth I was occupying to see where it was coming from and I see Jon with a girl who looked a lot like me under his arm. And holy hell, he looked really good. Like shit man.

"Jonathan" I ask a bit shocked.

"Cassie" he whispers moving towards me dragging the girl behind him. She did not look happy.

"Hey, wow. Hi, how are you" I ask still trying to take him in. It was really him. I couldn't believe it. He stops right in front of my table and his eyes latch onto me.

"I'm good now. You're figure skating here, right" he asks.

"Yeah. And I know you're here for curling" I tease and he rolls his eyes. It falls silent as we stare at each other. Our eyes scanning one another trying to see if this is a dream or actually happening. For a second I forgot we were in public... and he was here with someone else.

"Wait a second... is this the girl that you keep a picture of in your wallet" the girl asks and I raise a eyebrow. He adverts his eyes from mine and a blush forms on his cheek. I didn't think he would keep that picture. But it has to mean something that he did, right?

"Umm yeah" he says sheepishly looking between us. The awkward silence builds up before he speaks again. "Cassidy this is my girlfriend Nicole. Nicole this is Cassidy" he says and I stick my hand out.

"Nice to meet you" I smile and she drops my hand. So kind.

"Hey, can I have a minute with Cassidy" Jon asks turning to his girlfriend.

"Seriously. You drag me around here looking for god knows what and now you're telling me to get lost" she asks.

"Please" he asks and she lets out a groan.

"I'll be back in ten minutes" she announces storming off.

"I'm sorry for that" he says siting across from me. I take in his features and wow. He looked amazing. Like so hot. He had little stubble along his strong jaw line and his face rosy like always. His hair was grown out and he looked like a prince or something. His muscles were budging from his team Canada shirt and I felt myself get a little sweaty. Those doe eyes search me as I search him trying to catch up.

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