The God Father

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After laying my dad to rest and taking care of business back home, Jonny and I return to Chicago. There was a few games left before the regular season ended and the guys were on cruise control at this point. With the chances to win the Stanley cup getting closer they want to turn it on and are flying down the stretch.

Like most mornings I wake up and Jon and I go for a work out. I feel extra sluggish but that's extra thanks to Jon kicking my ass like always. I forgot how hardcore he goes and this morning was a good reminder.

I get home and drink some water to rehydrate. Jon goes off to do whatever Jon does and heads to the store. I wasn't his mother and he probably wanted some organic shit so I don't tag along or ask.

I begin to make some breakfast but quickly start to feel sick. I run to the bathroom and empty my stomach into the toilet.

"Gross" I mumble wiping off my mouth. I brush my teeth and finish off my toast and cereal.

I decide to go over to Patrick's for a little and he answers the door as soon as I knock. He invites me in and I chill on his couch.

"How was your morning" he asks handing me a cup of coffee.

"Well my work out was hard and I just threw up so I've had better, but it could be worse" I shrug.

"Are you sick" he asks.

"I don't think so. But I am really tired and I'm not sure why else I would just throw up like that" I admit. I'm usually really healthy, not like Jonathan Toews healthy, but I am a athlete and I take good care of what goes in my body and try to make sure it doesn't come out like that.

"Unless you're pregnant" he jokes.

"Very funny Patrick" I shun.

"Just throwing it out there, trying to give you some possibilities. I would make a great god father" he claims.

"I would love to have a kid" I admit. I haven't thought about having a kid right now but I don't hate the idea.

"I feel like you would be a great mom. You're so sweet and you guys would make a really cute kid" he admits.

"You're just trying to sweet talk yourself into being the god father" I tease.

"Can't blame a guy for trying" he shrugs.

"I don't even think I'm pregnant" I defend.

"Do you know for sure" he asks.

"Well... no" I admit.

"Come on... let's find out" he says grabbing my hand.

"Why is my boyfriends best friend trying to make sure I'm pregnant" I ask.

"Because I'm a great friend" he insists.

"Debatable" I mumble earning some serious side eye.

We get to a Walgreens and he lets me wear his hat so people won't recognize me. I buy some pregnancy tests as quickly as I possibly could and run back into his car. We get back to his place and I take them. I set the tests on the counter and all of the sudden I was really nervous.

I pace around his kitchen as I wait for the timer to go off. A million things run through my head as my whole future depends on what the results of those ten dollar tests say.

"Are you nervous" he asks.

"Please shut up" I beg. I need the helpful Patrick from Vancouver, not the annoying one I've known since then.

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