Packing Up

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After the Blackhawks won the cup things moved quickly. There were parties at every hour of every day, the cup moving around Chicago with the guys and their loved ones or the one night stand ones. Regardless of who they were with, they were having fun. And no one was having more fun than Patrick. I can hear him coming in in the late hours of the night trying to shush whoever he brought home with him. It was kinda gross but none of my business.

And while they were partying I was packing. There wasn't much considering I moved in a few months ago and Jon was a minimalist, but this place had to be cleaned out but the end of the month and since I couldn't party I might as well be productive. So I spent all the hours I could organizing and designing the new house. Trying to figure out what we were going to keep and what we wanted to get rid of. I kinda enjoyed this because I know in just a short time I wouldn't be able to do this without a kid crying or pulling at my legs. I was more than excited for the baby to be here, but I was also going to enjoy the last few months of not being a mother too.

I continue to box up some of our stuff early one morning during the cup crawl. The parade was tomorrow and I was going to let Jonny sleep in some. He's gone to a few of the bars and saw the boys but he spent most of his time helping me pack. He was having fun with his team but anyone who knows Jonathan knows responsibility is a big thing of his. And he keeps insisting he wants to stay and help and I keep trying to get him to have fun with his friends instead. He never does budge, anyone who knows Jonathan also knows he's stubborn as hell.

I box up a box and label it kitchen before setting it with the others in the corner. I sit down because I was getting pretty tired. I went from never being able to guess I was pregnant to looking and feeling pregnant pretty quickly. I close my eyes for a little and relax in the couch until I hear a loud crash. I look up and see the box I had just put up on the ground and all the pans scattered across the floor. Then I see Jonathan standing there with his sheepish look on his face as he looks at me with that "I'm sorry" expression.

"Good morning" I laugh as he picks up the pans.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you. I just kinda forgot we had boxes everywhere" he admits.

"It's okay. Come here" I say opening my arms. He sets the box back where he knocked it off from and he comes over and sits in my arms. He kisses my all over my face before I finally push him off. He places one good kiss on my lips before finally stopping his barrage.

"Are you done" I giggle.

"I have to give you enough kisses for you and the baby" he claims.

"You're so stinking cute" I claim and he smiles at me.

"So what are we doing today" he asks.

"Will you please go hang out with your friends" I ask.

"What, you're already tired of me" he teases.

"Absolutely not. But you're the youngest person to be in the triple gold club and you are the playoff mvp and capitan of a really good team who just won the best trophy in sports, yet you're sitting in your sad looking apartment with your pregnant girlfriend. You only win the cup for the first time once, you should be out there celebrating with your friends. You know, some of them are going to leave and you're not going to have these moment with them back" I insist.

"And I'm okay with missing out on those moments. What I'm not okay with is drinking at all hours a day when my pregnant girlfriend is back at home trying to prepare for a future for us and I'm not there with her. I plan on winning a hundred Stanley cups, but only once can I move into my first house and only once can I get excited for my first child. I can drink with the boys when I'm retired and I have a ring on each finger" he claims.

"Really hoping one of those is going to be a wedding ring" I laugh.

"Of course. Maybe after the fifth Stanley cup ring" he jokes and I smack his chest. He laughs and I just roll my eyes.

After cuddling on the couch for a little I make us breakfast with the things I left out for us to use until we move. I make us omelets and a protein shake because that's all he drinks. We sit at the island for one of the last times and enjoy the meal. We talk about the plan for the next few days and try to wrap our heads around it.

"How are you feeling" he asks.

"Good, why do you ask" I wonder.

"Just making sure you're feeling well" he shrugs.

"Well thanks for caring. I feel pretty fine" I smile and he smiles back.

We spend the rest of the day finishing up packing. The house already had furniture so all it needed was our stuff and some decorations to be complete. There wasn't any immediate plans for the basement so everything we don't need goes down there. Around 4 in the afternoon we were done and we sit down to watch a movie.

About halfway through there's a bunch of commotion in the hallway and I turn to Jonathan. He just shakes my head causing him to laugh.

"Can I tell you a secret" I ask.

"Of course" he assures me.

"Many times I've thought about going over there and acting like I was Patrick's pregnant girlfriend and start yelling at him talking about always bringing women into our home and cheating" I laugh and his eyes get big.

"Oh my god, that is briliant" he admits.

"But then I remember there's a good chance I'm going to see Patrick naked with some random girl and I usually decide against it" I shrug.

"I made that mistake once, never again" he claims.

"Oh man. I'm so sorry" I joke.

"It wasn't my fault! I thought someone was getting killed over there. The only thing that died that day was my appetite" he mumbles and I laugh.

"Poor baby" I tease grabbing his face.

"Whatever will I do" he smirks.

"Hopefully not do that again" I laugh.

"Well thankfully we're moving and I won't ever have to do that again" he claims.

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