Surprise Date

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Olivia Riley Toews was born at 4:57 am here in Chicago. She weighed 7 pounds even and had a hair full of blonde curly hair. She was 16 inches and 5 centimeters long and a real good size. She even had brow eyes, just like her daddy.

We take her home the day after she was born and get her settled in. Jon had to leave a few days after that for a away trip and he was so broken up about it. The first few nights were long but he loved being a father. He always got up with her when she cried and never complained. In fact he insisted he get up to help which is crazy considering how much he loves his sleep schedule. But this has been a lot easier than I thought it would be.

That is until Jon is gone and I'm left alone. I never thought about what happens when he's gone, and as it turns out I feel very lonely. Of course I'm not alone because I have Olivia to keep me preoccupied, but it doesn't keep me from missing Jonathan.

Late one afternoon I sit in the nursery with Olivia in my arms. I had just gotten her to sleep and didn't want to bother her. So we just cuddle and listen to some music softly. I go through in my head what I needed and try not to get overwhelmed.

It's been a week since Olivia was born and it's all been kind of blurry. She already had a photo shoot and her own fan club. People keep calling her "The Golden Baby" and "The Next Big Thing" to happen on the ice. It was kind of crazy how people speculate when almost no information about her was given out but I guess people were excited, nothing wrong with that.

But it's weird to have these expectations on my baby. My little girl is expected to be born with ice in her veins but for all I know she might hate the ice. Only time will tell.

I finally put her into the crib and she continues to sleep. She wasn't a fussy baby, farthest thing from it. Even Jon's mom noticed how well behaved and content Olivia was, it was great. Especially in times like this it gives me time to reset and compile my thoughts.

I was tired but honestly it was all just getting started. I was about to hit the ice again and start training. In four short months I was supposed to compete at worlds and I haven't throw a skill on ice in months. On top of that I had to do some things for the skating program I was in and a commercial for Gatorade. It was a lot but nothing I couldn't handle.

After doing some laundry and picking up I decide to check on the baby. I didn't hear the monitor going off but that's not always a good thing.

I go up to her room and see her just staring up at her chandelier. Her little hands wrapped so she doesn't scratch herself. Her brown eyes sparkle as she looks up at the crystals.

"Well aren't you the cutest" I ask and she turns her head to me the best she can. She just started being able to recognize me and jons voice and is always looking for us. She can't do much yet, but she moves her head around to find us.

I pick her up and hold her like, well like a baby. She looks up to me with those big brown eyes and I can't help but smile. Having her in my arms made me feel complete. I have a family again and that means everything to me. I have motivation to go out to do these things but also to come home to be with my little family.

After a while she starts to her fussy so I put her in the little thing that rocks the baby. She quickly calms down giving me time to relax for a little.

As soon as I get her down there's a knock on the door and she gets fussy again. I pick her up so she would calm down and answer the door. There stood Patrick smiling big and I wonder what type of fuckery he has for me to today.

"How may I help you" I ask.

"I hate when you address me like that. It's weird" he says and I sigh.

"Get to the point Patrick" I beg.

"I'm taking your baby so you can go on a date with Jonathan" he says and I raise my eyebrow. 

"Excuse me" I ask.

"I am going to be a nanny for the night and you are gonna go change into something sexy and you're going to be 22 for a little" he explains.

"Is that so" I challenge.

"Yup" he says stepping into the house. He goes into the spare room and pulls out a bag. He hands me the shopping bag and takes my baby. She didn't like it at first but Patrick was smart and wore one of Jon's shirts so it smelled like him. Olivia rests on his shoulder and I stand there still skeptical.

"Wait Wait Wait... this doesn't make any sense" I insist.

"Let me explain since you were so insistent that I just get to the point before" he shuns. "Jonathan lied to you and said we came home today so he could set up a surprise date. We got back late last night where he was setting up for a date today. Now I take care of your kid and you get all pretty" he explains.

"I can't just leave my kid" I insist.

"You can't bring her with" he argues and I sigh.

"Fine. But know that I have cameras everywhere and a monitor in every room. You try to pull something and I kill you" I threaten.

"For a small person you're really scary" he mumbles going into the living room.

I pick up the bag and shrug, I might as well. I change into the outfit Jon picked out for me before adding some night time make up and loosely putting my hair up.

Once I get changed I find Patrick watching tv with Olivia

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Once I get changed I find Patrick watching tv with Olivia. He has her sitting there like she wasn't a week old and I shake my head. I know he wouldn't never let anything happen to her, leaving just makes me so nervous.

"Wow, you look so incridble. I'm not even sure this baby came out of you a week ago" he claims.

"Trust me... she did" I insist.

Patrick gives me vague instructions to find Jonathan and I follow them. I end up in the park looking around for Jon. I finally find him by a nice looking table and go over. I cover his eyes and he gasps.

"Guess who" I ask.

"Would this be my beautiful girlfriend" he asks turning around in my arms. He grabs my wrist and places my hands on his chest. He pulls me into a kiss and my fingers get tangled into his shirt.

"I've missed you so much" I insist.

"I've missed you too" he smiles.

"So what going on" I wonder.

"We are going to have dinner and a show in the park" he claims.

"I see dinner, but what is the show" I ask and he smiles.

"I'm so glad you asked" he claims. He whistles and five people with string instruments come out from behind the bushes. They sit by the table and start to play.

"This is incredible. Why are you doing this" I ask.

"Because Cassie, I love you."

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