Belated Birthday Surprise

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Since we were kind of stuck in Russia for my birthday we decide to celebrate it back home a little bit after. My parents were in town to help me take care of Cassidy and Olivia and figure things out for the wedding.

So we went out for breakfast as a family and end up at ihop. When she was pregnant we were regulars here so it was pretty much a given that's where we were going.

We meet my parents and brother there and catch up a little. They weren't able to make it to Russia which sucked but we talked to them daily and they watched her on tv. espn edited out the last part because you could see her ankle break but they showed her getting helped off the ice then of course she posted about it on Instagram thanking everyone for the kind words and prayers over the last few days so everyone knew about it.

"How are you doing" my brother asks her.

"I'm doing better. Doesn't hurt as bad anymore. Now my left leg is going to be really strong from having to have to carry this thing around" she laughs pointing to her cast.

"Do you have to wear that the whole two months" he asks.

"No. I get it changed in about a week and thank god because this one smells so bad" she claims.

"It can't be that bad" he insists.

"Smell it" she teases raising her cast above the table and my brother makes a disgusted face.

"Put that away, we're eating" I say and she giggles.

"So, what were you guys looking to accomplish in the wedding planning today" my mom asks.

"Well it's in less than nine months so we should probably figure something out. We have the basics but not much else" Cassidy admits.

"Sounds like we have our work cut out for us" my mom admits.

We finish up lunch and head back to the house. The girls and my brother retreat to the spare because that's how they get things done and my brother wanted a ice sculpted in the wedding and was trying to convince them to get one. I stay back with my dad and throw on a cubs game. We crack open a beer and throw our feet up and relax.

"How is she holding up" he asks.

"She's doing a lot better. The first few days were hard. Really hard, actually. It sucked we were in Russia because it was hard to understand what all was happening but finally they gave us some doctors who spoke english. It was scary, to be in such a unusual place and that be happening. We weren't ready for it, that's for sure. Then we got home and things settled down. We figured out what we needed to do next and how life was going to change for a little while. I mean these are some of the first few days were she's even allowed to walk on it with crutches. It's going to be a long summer" I sigh.

"I wish we could have been there" he insists.

"She understands, you were busy" I defend.

"I wasn't too busy to be a father to that girl. I will never be too busy to be the father she needs" he says and I turn to him.

"There was no way you knew that was going to happen" I insist.

"No. But being a good Dad isn't preventing the bad from happening, it's about being there when she needs you the most. Imagine if that was Olivia out there and you are thousands of miles away from her watching her entire career crash on the tv" he says and I stop fiddling with my beer. I look into his eyes and I could tell this was tearing him up inside.

"I would have lost my shit. I did lose my shit" I admit.

"I felt my heart break when they cut out. They came back and it was her laying on the ice crying. The commentators were explaining what happened and why they couldn't show it on tv. I had this feeling in my gut, like I should have been there. I should have been waiting for her at the hospital. I should have flew out there to help you guys" he insists.

"Dad, look at me" I demand and he sighs. "You said it yourself. Being a dad isn't always being about being there when shit happens. It's about being there to help them get through it. You're right here Dad, you were here when we got home and you're here now" I say.

"I know... I know Jon. It's just, she's like my little girl. I have you and your brother but I never had a daughter. If I did have one I wish she would be just like her. And I hate that life has been so shitty to her. But I love seeing that smile there" he explains.

"You help put that smile there. You have to know that" I insist.

"I hope so" he says.

We continue to watch the game when there was a lot of noises coming from upstairs. I look to my dad but he just shrugs.

"Jonathan! We need you up here quickly" my mom yells and I jump out of my seat. I run up the stairs and down the hall trying to figure out where they were. I dart into the extra room but stop in the doorway.

I look in and my heart rate falls. A smile comes across when I see the whole room decorated like the locker room at the ice rink. There was a Blackhawks logo on the ground and a actual stall in there. Old jerseys fill the stall and old sticks and memorabilia was up around the room.

"How in the world..." I ask.

"You know how we said we wanted to go to Moscow but we couldn't because we had plans" my mom asks. "Well theses were our plans."

This explains why my dad was so upset he wasn't there or allowed to go there. He was helping make this for me. He always talked about doing something like this and Cassidy helped him do it. I really hope he knows how much he means to her.

"That's why Cassidy insisted we left earlier since we could" I piece together.

"I got the people to come in and paint the walls and do the carpet then your mom and Dad and brother helped set up the locker and other stuff then fill it with things that you've accomplished over the years. I'm surprised we had enough space" Cassidy admits.

"This is the sweetest things ever. Thank you" I say pulling her into a hug.

"Of course baby" she smiles.

"How'd it turn out" my dad asks peaking his head in the room.

"I'm kind of jealous" my brother admits and I laugh.

"Thanks you guys. You're the best family ever" I insist.

"Of course son. Happy birthday" my dad nods.

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