How Do I Live?

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Today was the day of my first competition of the season and I was kind of really excited. I didn't have many of these left and I wanted to enjoy them while I can. Jon and his family will be there to watch and I couldn't wait. Since they always came to his games I've gotten close to his parents. I sit and watch the games with them, I ask questions about hockey and they ask questions about what I do. They were just like him so naturally I loved them.

I sit in a room filled with other girls who were at this school to compete too. I only had a few more performances left before I graduated so I wanted them all to be really good.

I sit in my tiny outfit covered in rhinestones trying not to pull at it. My hair is up so tight I feel like I got a face lift. All the blisters from my skates protected by socks and I'm just trying not to move so my panty hose won't tear. Sometimes I wonder why it's figure skating I chose.

"Hey Cass, how are you doing" my uncle slash coach Mike asks.

"Good. Ready for this to be over" I admit.

"That's the spirit... kind of" he laughs. He stretches me out and we go over the routine a hundred times. I wasn't nervous about messing up, it's just that competing is very hard and I would rather be done with it. Unless I was out there I did not want to be out there.

I was the last person to go at the competition so I sat in the waiting room and talked to my friends until it was my turn. Even though we compete against each other we still support one another. It was a healthy competition because in the end we all just want to be good. And although these competitions are no longer a challenge to me I still enjoy them very much. Just not the waiting part, that part sucked.

"What do you have something in store for us today" my friend Taylor asks.

"You ready to cry" I ask.

"When it comes to you I always do" she smiles.

Eventually time passes and it was time for me to perform. I skate out onto the ice and see Jon and his family in the stands. It makes my heart happy that they support me, it honestly means the world.

I take my mark center ice and hit a pose. Mike gives me a thumbs up and the music starts.

"How do I get through one night without you
If I had to live without you
What kinda life would that be
Oh I need you in my arms, need you to hold
You are my world, my heart, my soul
If you ever leave
Baby you would take away
Everything good in my life
And tell me now
How do I live without you?
I want to know
How do I breathe without you?
If you ever go
How do I ever, ever survive
How do I, how do I, oh how do I live."

I feel great out here. I always try to enjoy myself but with me graduating this year I really wanted to enjoy this. My last first performance. I try to take in my surroundings and remember as much of this as possible. I see Jon and he had a huge smile on his face. His mom recording me on a video camera and his dad with a big sign that said "go Cassie go". I almost start crying as I try to refocus on the task at hand.

"Please tell me baby how do I go on
If you ever leave
Baby you would take away everything
Need you with me
Baby don't you know that you are
Everything good in my life
And tell me now
How do I live without you
I want to know
How do I breathe without you
If you ever go
How do I ever, ever survive
How do I, how do I, oh how do I live."

I finish a little out of breath but very happy. I open my eyes to see a standing ovation. I got a few tears out of people and that made me feel pretty good.

I love performing because it brings out things in people what they don't realize is there. I usually go towards the songs that tug on the heart strings. I can connect to the music and bring tears to the eyes of people who watch me. It's a honor really. This is what I love to do most for the people I love the most.

I finally skate off and wait for my scores. I sit next to the other girls as they congratulate me.

"Is there anything you can't do" Taylor asks and I laugh along with her. Too bad there was one thing I couldn't do, and that's go home.

"You really like it" I finally ask.

"One of my favorite of your performances. I did cry a little" she admits and that gets a chuckle out of me.

Scores come out and I get a 98. The highest I've ever had was a 99 and the lowest was a 94. I end up winning the competition and it was a good day.

Jons parents take us out to eat after the competition and I enjoy some time away from campus. It's not often we get to get out and for as long as I've been here it sure is nice to do so.

"Sweetie you were amazing! You never fail to impress me" his mom claims.

"Thank you so much" I smile.

"Great job kid. Way not to fall" his dad Bryan teases.

"Thanks. I've watched Jon fall on his bum many of times and I figured out how to keep that from happening to me" I tease and Jon squeezes my side that he was holding.

We eat a unhealthy dinner for once and enjoyed our time together. I was jealous that his parents were always there to support him. And the fact they support me like I was a part of the family, I wasn't sure how to take it.

"Has my son been good" Andrée asks.

"Moooom" Jon whines causing me to giggle.

"He's been great Mrs. Toews. Always on time to class and finishes his homework. He has a fruit and vegetable with every meal and I make sure he showers at least twice a day because hockey players smell really bad" I assure her.

"That's good to hear. And we've known each other for a year, please call me Andrée" she says.

We finish up the meal and decide to walk around for a little to work off all those calories. Jon wore my medal I had just won around his neck with his fingers laced through mine as we slowly trail his parents.

"You know what my mom said today" he asks as our feet hit the pavement.

"No, what" I wonder.

"She wishes that she had a daughter just like you" he smiles down at me. I feel my heart skip as those words pass his lips.

"Really" I ask.

"Yeah. My parents think the world of you. As a athlete, as a student, and as a person. The whole competition today they were asking about you, taking about how you were going to be in the Olympics one day and this great figure in the sports world. And I believe them" he claims.

"What would I do without you" I ask.

"You would be a lot less stressed" he claims causing me to giggle.

"I would take it all as long as I had you" I claim. He kisses the side of my head and I smile to myself. This makes me feel like life can be great.

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