Not That Bad

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After a really short summer that seemed to last forever, it was finally opening night at the United Center.

But this opening night was special, because after the boys walk the red carpet they go to change into their gear. Then, before the game, they raise the championship banner to the raptors for the first time since this place was called Chicago stadium.

I would love to enjoy this night but I was about nine months pregnant now and just about ready to burst. Little Livy was excited to come out too and boy I hope it's soon. If not being able to skate was bad enough, not being able to put on my own shoes was even worse.

"There you go. You're all set" Jon insists as he stands up. He was putting on my favorite nike shoes because I was complaining that I wanted to wear them but couldn't. So, like many times before, he did me a solid and put them on for me.

"They're on the right foot this time, right" I ask.

"I told you that was on purpose" he whines.

"Yeah... sure" I laugh.

I finish getting ready and Jon changes too. I wait for him by the door with my purse on and going through my phone. I had a lot of things lined up to do once I wasn't pregnant and I was excited to get back to some sense of normalcy. Also to see my baby.

"I'm coming! Stop rushing me" Jonathan randomly yells and I giggle.

"I wasn't rushing you! I didn't even say anything" I defend.

"I know. You just don't do anything that the nagging girlfriend does so sometimes I play out in my head what it would be like if you weren't so amazing and then see how I would respond" he explains.

"Well that's unusual" I admit.

"Eh, keeps things interesting" he shrugs.

"That it does" I agree.

He comes to the living room to grab his things and I stop him by putting my hand on his chest. I adjust his tie and fix his collar before patting his chest and letting him go.

"How did I ever do this without you" he teases.

"You probably looked a mess" I joke back and he rolls his eyes. He grabs his bag for tonight before heading over to the United Center. I drop him off before heading into the arena the back way. I say hi to the people who work here and let me steal a skate every once in a while. I find all the girls I was friends with up in the boxes and sit next to them.

After the Hawks won last year we lost a lot of people. I'm not going to lie, losing Dustin and Andrew hurt. Those guys were so much fun, that whole team really. But the salary cap was still relatively new and very ruthless. Not even a team as great as that one was resistant to having to dump salaries. So now we start over with fresh faces and new friends. Of course I keep in tact with the girls I've come to know like Andrews fiancé Brandy. But naturally I was excited to meet some of the new people too.

I sit up in the boxes with my usual group of girls and watch the ice show. It was something new and I really enjoyed it. Highlights of last season was in there as they go through one of the best seasons in franchise history. Finally the guys come out, Sharpy carrying the Stanley cup and Jon carrying the conn smyth trophy. They set them on the table and Patrick sets down the western conference champion trophy before they all skate to the banner laying on the ice.

They raise it to the raptors with three others from nearly fifty years ago. I watch proudly as a spotlight shines on Jon. Although that's what life usually looks like in my eyes, I love it when other people see it too.

After the show was over hockey season was right around the corner. I sit in my usually seat and kick my feet up. My stretched out Toews jersey hugging my belly as I take a drink of water.

"Hey sexy mama, how are you doing" Dayna asks sitting next to me. Abbey, Elina, and Kelly-Rae joins us as we sit around the table and look out the glass to our boys doing the hard work while we chill out.

"I'm doing pretty good. I would be lying if I said I didn't want this kid out of me" I admit.

"You're getting pretty close, aren't you" Kelly asks.

"Yeah, any week now. My due date is the 20th but I honestly can't wait" I explain.

"Me either" Abbey claims and I smile.

"I hope you know you're going to have to help me" I assure her.

"Me? Why? I don't have any kids" she insists.

"No, but you have nieces and nephews" I remind her.

"Yeah but I didn't raise them" she defends.

"You have more experience than I do" I laugh.

"Are you scared" Elina wonders.

"Kinda. But I'm a caretaker, it's in my nature. I always put people before me. Keep their best interests at heart. I feel like taking care of the kid will be hard, but caring for her and giving her the love and attention she needs, I won't even have to think about it" I admit.

"Do you think Jon's going to get jealous" Kelly wonders.

"Jealous... why would he be jealous" I ask.

"Because he's not use to sharing you. You realize that the whole time Nicole was here he was acting like she was you? I didn't realize it until you showed up but it's true. She was basically like a meaner and a little bit less attractive version of you" Elina claims.

"She wasn't that bad" I insist. I don't like talking down about people, even if they did hate me.

"On the contrary, she was kind of terrible" Abbey assures me.

"Jon would never be with someone who is mean" I insist.

"He never noticed. She would say something totally rude and he would act like she never said it. Because to him that wasn't her, it was you and you would never say something like that. No, she wasn't absolutely terrible, she did like Jon and she would never intentionally hurt him. But I don't think it's a coincidence that you came back and he's a good player and on good terms with his parents" Abbey claims.

"When wasn't he on good terms with his parents" I ask.

"Depends, how long was he with Nicole" she asks and I roll my eyes.

"Jon could never be upset with his mom" I claim.

"No, but she can be upset with him" she counters.

"I don't see it. Andreé loves the hell out of Jon. He would have to do something terrible to make her upset with him" I insist.

"Well according to Andreé, dating Jon dating Nicole was something terrible" she shrugs.

"I really don't believe she was that bad" I insist.

"Good gracious, you really are the sweetest person ever. You're going to be a amazing mother" Elina insists.

"I sure hope so."

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