Certainty (Dinally)

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Within the past few years, Dinah had become certain of a few things. The first was that she was without a shadow of a doubt a lesbian. The second was that it was becoming increasingly difficult to hide your lesbianism with the girl you want to "do lesbian activities" with is almost always at least 50 feet from you. The third one is that Ally Hernandez was going to be the goddamn death of her. 

"Shush guys, she's trying to sleep." Ally shushed Lauren and Normani as they giggled at the sight of Dinah laying on the floor. "Poor baby, she didn't feel good earlier. If you're gonna do that, find a different room please." 

"Ally?" Dinah asked, her head moving slightly. Immediately, the shorter girl was on the floor next to tall Polynesian. Lauren smiled at them before following Normani to another room to watch a movie. "What time is it?" 

"Like 8." Ally said and Dinah stood up slowly. She stretched, her stomach showing slightly. "Do you feel better?" 

"Kind of, my head hurts a bit, but I'm really hungry." Dinah said and Ally nodded, grabbing one of the snack packs she'd picked up at the store. Technically it was for children, made to nourish the body while it was growing and while Dinah didn't need to grow any more in Ally's opinion, she could use some nutrients. "For a healthy growth." 

"It's better than Cheetos." Ally said and Dinah scoffed. "Let me rephrase that, better for you than Cheetos." 

"Accurate." Dinah said and Ally laid against her. When she was done eating, they cuddled together and eventually, Dinah fell asleep, Ally providing her warmth. Ally went to get up and Dinah whined in protest, still more than half asleep. "Don't go, I love you." 

"I love you too, but I think we need to get to bed." Ally said and Dinah whined again. This time she pulled Ally against her and kissed the side of her mouth. Almost immediately she let go, Ally going to her room and placing a blanket over Dinah. 


"Dinah, we need to talk." Ally said and Dinah nodded. "Last night, I tried to wake you up and you kissed me." 

"Oh, um, I can probably explain." Dinah said and Ally glanced down. "I'm really sorry, if I offended you or anything. I was tired and out of it." 

"I get that, just wanted to make sure you knew." Ally said and Dinah nodded. "So this wouldn't be so much of a shock." 

"What?" Dinah asked and Ally pulled her down for a kiss. She let go of everything and hopped up onto Dinah's waist, wrapping her legs around. 

"That." Ally said when they parted, panting slightly. Dinah felt she could say with utmost certainty, Ally was the best kisser she'd ever encountered. Now she would be counting the days until she could say with certainty that Ally liked her back. 

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