Older (Normani)

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"Whoa, watch out bud." You said, barely avoiding knocking into a teenage boy. You didn't hate your job, but you definitely didn't love it. The people who came in were normally very nice and if they knew you, they tipped heavily. You noticed a party of four come in and you walked over to it, knowing that the other waitresses and waiters were busy enough. "Hello, my name is Y/n and I'll be your server. Are you ready to order?" 

They ordered and you went to the kitchen and handed the cook their order. You brought their drinks back, a polite smile on your face. You wrote their names next to their drinks, a trick you'd learned from your first week here. You handed Lauren her Jack and Coke as well as her water, Normani her iced tea, Ally tea with extra sugar, and Dinah her root beer, which was the specialty of the restaurant. 

"I'll be back in about 5 minutes with most of your food." You said walking away. You noticed how the majority of the place had gotten a bit emptier. After you brought them their food, you sat down at your normal booth with the free meal you got every shift. 

"Holy shit, this is great." Lauren said and you smirked. "Mani, why didn't you tell us about this place?" 

"It didn't really cross my mind." Normani said and Dinah muffled something with a mouth full. "Shut up, I'm pretty sure I know her." 

"So that's why you're staring at the waitress like a lovesick puppy?" Dinah teased and Normani punched her arm. "Seriously though, I mean, I'd go for it." 

"She's still like a child to me, just a bit older and kind of really attractive." Normani said and you blushed. You glanced over to see green eyes lock with yours, making you feel intimidated. "Lauren what are you staring at?" 

"Y/n, how old are you?" Lauren asked and you stuttered before providing a real answer. 

"19 since Tuesday." You said and she gave Normani a look. "Do you need or want anything else?" 

"Normani would like a date." Dinah said and Ally hit her arm. "It's not a lie." 

"Your friend is smooth and I get off work at nine." You said and Normani nodded. "I've done a lot more than just get older by the way." 

"Shit she's smooth." Lauren said and Normani smiled at you.

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