Games (Dinah Jane)

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You stared at your phone and sighed. You had absolutely no reason to be upset or feel anything, but it didn't stop you. You and Dinah weren't exclusive by any means. You only saw her when she stopped within 50 miles of you. She didn't even know where you lived, but she was fully aware that you were a year younger than her, but had more experience than one would assume. 

[DJ]: hey babe 

[You]: what's up? 

[DJ]: where r u? 

[You]: just hanging out... y? 

[DJ]: I want to talk 

You stared nervously at your phone now. You hadn't really had a conversation with Dinah ever. You weren't opposed to the idea, but you were nervous. There wasn't a whole lot you had in common with her. You knew that you had a different taste in music, you preferring things with wailing guitars and pounding drums. You also knew that she'd never been around long enough to talk, meaning she probably didn't want to. 

[You]: hotel room? 

[DJ]: about 20 minutes 

You got in your car and drove towards the hotel she normally stayed in when she came to town. You would enter through the employee doors. She'd always requested it that way, which was best for privacy reasons. You were a fairly private person, despite the fact that you were fuck buddies with a goddamn pop star you. You were almost to the parking lot when you got a call. You answered it almost immediately, not paying attention to who was calling. 

"Hey...slight change of plans." Dinah's nervous voice said over the phone. "The girls won't let me leave early, do you mind stopping by the meet and greet?" 

"I guess." You said and you could hear the sigh of relief. "I thought you were already in your room." 

"I planned on it, but shit happened." Dinah said and you nodded as she hung up. As you turned the car around, you thought about what you'd been wanting to tell her for months. You rehearsed telling her that you didn't want to be her fuck buddy any more. You told yourself you were too old to be playing games with her anymore. You had a future and she could be in it, but not like she is now. 

"H-hey." You said, wiping your hands on your sweats as you approached Dinah and Lauren. "I-I'm Y/n." 

"Nice to meet you." Lauren said and Dinah looked down. "See Dinah, more people were showing up." 

"Actually, I'm not here for the meet and greet." You said and Dinah nodded, smiling slightly. "You wanted to talk?" 

"Lauren, could you?" Dinah trailed off and Lauren left you two alone. "You have something on your mind, go first." 

"I don't want to keep playing games with you." You said and Dinah looked surprised. "I'm not saying I'm in love with you, I don't know you well enough to do that, but I'm not saying that's impossible. I want to secure myself a good future and I want to see you there, but not how we are now. What do you say that we stop these stupid fucking games and try a real relationship?" 

"I need time." Dinah said and you nodded. 

"I'm not waiting up forever." You said and Dinah nodded. "You know my number."

Fifth Harmony One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora