The Firebending Master's Part 1

Start from the beginning

Lillian and Zuko remained behind. The sun began setting when Zuko finally gave up," Maybe its because of the eclipse. If I'm not the only whose bending has gone South then maybe the eclipse affected us more than we thought." Lillian suggested. Zuko paused and looked over the other temples, "yeah... Maybe..."

Zuko looked over at Lillian as the orange rays set the most beautiful setting, "what? Is there something on my face!?!" Lillian asked nervously feeling all over her face.

Zuko shook his head, "I'm just trying to get my head wrapped around the fact that your still alive... I mean... That night on the Beach, I watched you die." Zuko whispered the last bit. Lillian relaxed, "that was one crazy night, I mean Merci Lee and the hunters. You breaking the power of the dark crystal the-"

"kiss" Zuko added

Lillian pressed her lips and blushed looking away, "I'm going to go help Katara with dinner, see you later." Lillian rushed past Zuko to the others leaving him behind to figure out his bending.


Night had fallen and everyone sat around a large camp fire that Lillian and Sokka had built. Katara was finishing up the stew when Lillian walked up beside her, "Hey Katara, need some help?" Lillian asked. Katara smiled at Lillian, "no, I just finished. Maybe you could help Haru hand out to everyone." Katara suggested, "sure, no problem." Lillian said picking up a few bowls with noodles, "how was Firebending training?" Katara asked, Lillian's smile faded, "that bad huh?" Katara's face softened. Lillian nodded, "I feel so useless and I can't even help Aang with his training." Lillian felt her eyes sting as Katara placed her hand on her shoulder, "things will work out. I promise." Katara gave Lillian a quick hug before the walked out. Lillian handed out the noodles as Katara bent the stew over them. Lillian stood with her bowl and Zuko's, "where is Sparky?" Toph asked from behind Lillian, "there he is," Haru gestured to the pillars by Appa and Kasai. Zuko's eyes ran across the room and found Lillian's crimson eyes staring at him. She gave him a small smile and lifted the extra bowl and motioned for him to come over. Zuko felt himself return her smile. Zuko walked toward Lillian and took the bowl from her, "Thanks." Lillian sat down besides Toph, "no problem"

Zuko stared at his food silently as everyone slurped and chatted about their day, "Hey, Lilly, I found a really neat spot for us to practice some sword bending and sparing." Sokka said with his mouth full of food. Lillian tilted her head and smiled, "Sounds great Sokka, maybe we can check it out after my Firebending lesson tomorrow." Lillian smiled. Sokka grinned before talking to Haru. Lillian suddenly felt heat on her left when she turned her head she noticed Zuko with an angry expression, "you okay?" Lillian asked placing her hand on his knee, "Just fine!" Zuko growled standing up, "Listen everyone... I've lost my stuff." Zuko said looking around, "don't look at me! I didn't touch your stuff." Toph said raising her hands. Lillian raised her brow, "I've lost my Firebending." Zuko confessed, "Zuko, let's not be rash, maybe you just need a few days to settle in." Lillian said standing beside him and placing her hand on his shoulder. Suddenly Katara burst out laughing, "I'm sorry, I'm just laughing at the irony. Wouldn't it have been great if you lost your Firebending a few months ago." Katara sneered causing Lillian to glare at her. Katara retreated at Lillian's, "Maybe you need to go back to the originally source of Firebending? You mention something about inner fire earlier?" Toph suggested towards Lillian, "our inner fire is basically our bending fuel. It's our drive. I believe when Zuko was hunting Aang, that was his drive but once he joined us, he lost that drive. But when we were kids..."

"we were taught to use our anger as a form of fuel." Zuko interrupted.

Everyone stared at the two firebenders, "so like I said, the orginal source. For example, earthbending was originally from the badger moles." Toph said as she started explaining how she learnt earthbending.

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