56. Apart from You

Start from the beginning

Slowly yet carefully I walked to the bed. My steps were hindered through the scattered glasses were thwarting my way to the bed. With utmost care and prevention, I went closer to the bed, my astonishment and bemusement intact and locked in my mind.

Once I reached a step away from the bed, a sudden cold wave of wind rushed past me. I was forced to take a sharp breath as an involuntary shudder escaped me.

Was it my imagination?

I found myself asking as I was reeling through the effect. Closing my eyes I fought with the uneasiness it created in me. I took another step as the atmosphere started to chill, decreasing to a certain degrees.

How is it possible when the whole room is dis-ordinated but only this bed is perfect?

I was forced to comprehend while the chilling atmosphere made me wrap my arms around myself. The decrease in temperature was sudden like I stepped inside something frozen.

I shrugged the thought away as I tilted my head at the creased pals blue sheets on the bed. The pillows were on sides or on head board of the queen size bed.

Strange! If they were doing the renovation or fitting then they should have removed the beddings?

But then it doesn't seem like there was renovating. My sanity commented and I agreed at the fact.

The temperature was exceptionally low but my body and mind were too occupied to take a note as complete stillness was ruling my body and a wave of eccentric uneasiness was gripping my conscience.

The bed!

Slowly and efficient I was sitting on the soft surface of bed, a different distinct feeling reaching my heart.

The cold was there, eccentricity was there and strangely there was blankness as well.

What's happening?

What has happened here? I asked myself as I tore my gaze from the creases on bed and roamed it around.

Is this the reason I was shifted to another room? Because this room met with a strange havoc that ruined everything but saved the bed?

Utterly preposterous.

How stupid of me to have such balderdash thoughts ruling my mind on no such proper information!

But then what is in front of me is also true!

I ran my fingers through the creases of sheet feeling the softness of the fabric.

The facts and the reality aren't meeting each other!

I was sure of the statement.

I sighed in complete exasperation before my eyes went to the pillows resting on the headboard, few crease lines designed on their pale surface.

What caught my eyes weren't the pillows but something peeping from behind.

A strap?!

A deep scowl marring my forehead as I tilted my head to the peeping material before I leaped up and made my way to the other edge of the bed.

Same temperature was ruling the atmosphere making me wonder if some magic doors to Antarctica are opened around.

Gingerly, I pulled away the pillows and the peeping thing greeted me was another surprise for me.

My Bag!

My own purse was resting there from god knows how long!

I picked it, assessing it in my hands.

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