Die Young (Lauren Jauregui)

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You fought your way through the crowded club. The music was extremely loud and getting really annoying. You had places in the world you'd rather be, but you somehow found yourself here. You found a quiet-ish place towards the back where you could just have a couple of drinks until this place became bearable. 

"Is this seat taken?" A dark haired girl asked and you moved your legs and let her sit down next to you on the couch. "You look like you're having fun." 

"Trying to take in all I can before I die." You said and she nodded. "Live my life, but leave a pretty corpse." 

"Interesting outlook." She said and you smiled at her. "I'm Lauren." 

"Y/n." You said and she shook your hand. "It's the outlook of somebody that's gonna die young." 

"Why would you want to die young?" She asked and you knocked back your drink before pouring yourself another. 

"The best years of my life will pass me by and I don't want to get into something that'll make me feel guilty when I wanna leave." You said and she nodded sadly. "However tonight, we can both live like we know we're gonna die young." 

"Sounds like a plan." She said and you smiled. The two of you knocked back a few more drinks and danced, letting the pounding music be the guide of your bodies. She went home with somebody else and you woke up in a stranger's bed.

Fifth Harmony One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora