He kisses me and says,"I love you" against my lips

"I love you too" i say back.

We stay there for a minute, then we hear the school bell ring.

he puts me down and says,"C'mon we've gottah go to school"


After school, Taylon takes me to Ben and Jerry's for ice cream. He doesn't order anything, he just sits there smiling and staring at me.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I ask him

"Because every second I get to look at you will never be enough, so I'm starting with forever," he says and I blush, feeling my cheeks turn hot.

"I can't believe I'm gonna be nineteen next year" I say

"Me either" he says

"It seems like time is going so fast, like it was just yesterday that you were forcing me to talk to you. I'd never thought I'd actually fall in love with you" I say

"Me either. We're getting old." he jokes

We both laugh and then, when I'm done with my ice cream, we just walk around.

"Taylon, you know you have to officially meet my Dad since you're my boyfriend now, right?" I ask him

His eyes widen and then he sheepishly says,"Yeah"

"When do you want to?" I ask him

"Whenever you're ready"

"Okay then.....tonight"

"T-tonight?" he asks

"Yep" I say, popping the 'P'.



Taylon drives me home, and when I get out of the car, he comes with me. I can tell that he's nervous though. I unlock the door and we walk in. Dad is in the living room, watching a basketball game with the Bulls vs the Heats.

"Hey Daddy" I say "I want you to meet somebody"

He turns his attention from the game, and towards me.

"Dad, this is Taylon. He's my uh...we're dating" I say

"SO you've gotten over your issues with you two being mated together?" he asks, remembering the day I freaked out when he told me Taylon and I were soulmates.

"Yes Dad"

"Okay" he says, then he turns back to the game

"Great" I say

I turn to Taylon and he's smiling. He says,"weird"

"What?" I ask

"It's just that usually when a girl introduces me to her father he questions me non stop, but your Dad just said 'okay'."

"Well, I guess that's just the way things work in the vampire world" I say cheerfully "C'mon"

I lead him up the stairs into my room and we sit down on the bed.

"So, what now?" I ask him

"Well...I'm not sure. What do couples usually do when they meet up?" he asks

"I don't know. YOU'RE the one who's had plenty of girlfriends, you should know by now," I say

"Uh...We could kiss" he asks hopefully

"ha ha ha nice try but I'm really stunned. I don't know what to do"

"Well, we could talk"

"what about?"

"Just about...stuff"

"What stuff?"

 "Any and everything" he says, motioning for me to lay down next to him

"Okay. You start" we both say. We laugh and he lets me go first

"I don't know what to say. I mean my life is pretty much great right now. I mean except for........" I let me sentence trail off.

"Toren" he finishes my sentence for me

"Yeah. I don't know what to do about him"

"Just don't worry about it. Let me handle it" he says


There's a dragging silence before he speaks up again.

"Kylie, if I asked you to marry me, what would you say?" he asks me in a nervous blur

"I'd say......yes," I say

"Really?" he asks surprised

"Yes really. Why do you sound surprised?"

"I don't know. I just wasn't expecting a straightforward 'yes'" he says

"I wasn't expecting you to ask" I say

"Kylie, I love you and I always will, I wouldn't even think of not asking you"

"I love you too and I wouldn't even think about not saying yes"

He leans his head down, and I close my eyes and meet him the rest of the way. This time, the kiss is long and filled with passion. It's like one of those kisses you only see in movies. It's beautiful, and somehow, I wind up sitting on his lap. my arms are wrapped around his neck and his hands are one both sides of my face. I pull back for air and we both are breathing heavily.

"That has to be the best one we've had so far" I say, in between inhales and exhales



Okay guys, I really need your opinion on this. Should I do some Toren or Taylon POV's in this book? I'm not sure and I would love your help on this one. You can just vote yes or no on my message board and I will decide from there.  If I don't get any replies, I'll ask some of my friends on here. Please continue reading.


Are you my Soulmate? <EDITING WILL BE DONE AT A LATER DATE>Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ