Stalking the Stalker

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Kylie's POV

          Stalk the stalker? What in the world does that mean. I have no idea what that means or how to do it anyways. This is what I don't get about Court. She'd say something like,'if you can't bring the horse to water, you must bring water to the horse.' That's the type of thing that puzzled me about Courtney. I mean she was a werewolf saying things like that. I just don't know what to do with that girl anymore.

         Anyway, I went to school and found Taylon in the library. He had his perfect looking eyes staring at the computer screen. Almost as if he could sense my presence, he smiled and looked over at me and said, "Hey Ky". I almost freaked out! How did he know that was my nickname?!? I mean, maybe he could have heard Court, Jay, or Ricky call me that because they call me that practically all the time. My mind was just tricking me.

         When I noticed I didn't say anything yet, I just said,"Oh, so now you're talking to me?"

       He smiled that perfect smile and I couldn't help feeling a little jerkish. "I guess. I just didn't know what to say to you after I told you how I felt. And knowing that you probably didn't feel the same way...I just didn't have anything else to say." he said.

      I couldn't form words in my mouth, so I just said,"I'm sorry...I just... I thought you were ignoring me because you were mad at me still"

        He looked at me with those beautifully perfect eyes and said, "It's okay. You don't have anything to apologize for. None of this would have happened if I never had kissed you."

      "Well is there anything I can do to pay you back? Because I feel like such a horrible person." I said.

         He smiled and said, "Well...there is one thing.."

          I met Taylon at the Vinini restaurant wearing high waisted skirt with a black Cami and a button up sweater. I saw him in there with a black cardigan on with faded glory jeans and a white t-shirt. He looked stunning and he saw me and walked over to me. He smiled that brilliant smile and he led me over to our table. I really don't know why, but I was just smiling like crazy, and he spoke about this like a thousand times. I told him I didn't know why I was smiling and he just shrugged and we continued our conversation.

"So why don't you have a boyfriend?" he asks me.

"I don't know. Why?" I replied.

"I just think that someone as beautiful as you deserves a boyfriend." he says. I blush and look down for a minute. When we order our food, it is delivered almost instantly. Neither of us really touch our food because we are so deep in our conversation.

       When we were done, he payed for our food, no matter how much I protested. We then start walking down the street and I ask,"where are we going?". He just smiles and leads me down the street. When we finally get to where he's leading me, I look amazed. It's an amusement park! I haven't been to one of these in ages. I see the Farris wheel and I quickly grab Taylon's hand and lead him towards it.

          We get on the Farris wheel and go all the way up. It's so amazing and I can see the beautiful skyline from up here. I was astonished and happy about this. I'm looking out towards the wonderful view when I just realize that I'm still holding Taylon's hand. But this time, I don't try to let go.

        We get off the Farris wheel and we head over to the games. We go to the ring toss. When Taylon buys his rings, the attendant says, "toss the rings onto the bottles and you can win a lovely prize for your beautiful girlfriend there." Taylon smiles when the man calls me his girlfriend, and I smile and blush at he comment. "well I guess I wouldn't want to disappoint my girlfriend now would I" Taylon says. I give him a slight eye roll which only makes him chuckle and wink at me. He throws all three rings one after the other and they land on each bottle perfectly. I smile and I say that I want the panda bear. When the attendant hands Taylon the bear, Taylon say," for you, lovely lady" then we both burst out laughing. I take the bear and I kiss it then press the bear's lips to Taylon's cheek. Then we head back to the Farris wheel because the park's about to close. When we get on I stare out at the beautiful scenery. I was so amazed. Taylon grabbed my hand and I looked down at them. This time I just smiled.

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