Winging It: The Pregnancy ~ {A Rizzoli & Isles Fanfic}

Start from the beginning

"Oh, um, I went to BCU," I nervously replied.

"Oh, Boston Cambridge University. Yeah, we get calls there quite frequently," she said jokingly in a raspy voice.


"I was only kidding. We got called there once. A long time ago."

"I remember that. That was when Danielle got shot."

"You were attending there at the time?"

"Yes, I was a freshman. I was there when you guys were investigating and when I saw you and Dr. Isles, I knew I wanted to be apart of your team."

Jane smiled at me and responded, "Well if you do a good job, I know Maura would hire you in a heartbeat."

"Really?!" I screeched like an idiot.

She laughed at me and said, "Of course. She has been preparing for your arrival for weeks."

I got so excited to hear Jane say this. We were standing in the elevator at the time and as the ding went off, my heart stopped. I was nervous again. Jane sensed my nervousness as she grabbed my shoulder and whispered, "Hey, we're just people. You're going to do great, I have faith in you. Maura is going to adore you too. There's nothing to be nervous about." Not being able to speak, I smiled and nodded.

We walked out of the elevator and were walking in the hallway. Poking her head in the autopsy room, Jane screamed, "Maura!" Only to hear a very feminine voice coming from the opposite direction. "Jane, do you mind? I'm trying to get things done before my intern gets here!" she shouted from an office.

Jane turned around and walked into a different room hollering back, "I was just coming down here to show your new intern where you were!"

As I walked through the door, I was speechless by the beautiful woman sitting at her desk with a laptop in front of her. She stood up and fixed her pencil shirt to introduce herself. Her beautiful, strawberry blonde hair was curled to perfection and draped gorgeously over her shoulders. She was wearing a black pencil skirt and a silk, red blouse very evenly tucked in. With her five-inch, Louis Vuitton pumps, she clicked her way over to where I was standing.

"Hello Abigail," she said, shaking my hand.

I suddenly lost my words as I swallowed my breath. "He-hello Dr. Isles," I finally spoke.

"Please, call me Maura."

"Okay. And call me Abby," I told her.

Jane interrupted us, "So Maur, are you finished the paperwork I gave you for our last vic?"

"I always finish my work, Jane," Maura replied.

"Good because I wanna get out of this joint."

"Why in such a rush?" Maura asked as she sat down on her couch. Jane sat down at the chair next to the sofa. I just stood there, awkwardly.

"Well Casey's coming tonight," Jane told her.

Maura's face beamed when she heard that. She had one of the most beautiful smiles I've ever seen. She said, "Oh! So Casey's spending the night?"

Jane looked at me and answered Maura, "Uh...yeah. Maura, we should really act professional around your intern."

I laughed as Maura looked at me then back to Jane, "Well don't you think she needs to get to know us?" She turns to me and said, "I apologize, Abby."

I placed my handbag on the floor, leaning against the couch as I took a seat and responded, "Hey, it's cool. I like how you guys are ya know, real people here."

They both laughed as Jane commented, "We are very real, unless you walk into the autopsy room. The people in there are dead."

Maura shot Jane a look and told her to be respectful. My first day here was such a great memory.

Now, it is a bit chaotic. Don't get me wrong, I love working here. Jane and Maura take me out to lunch everyday at the Dirty Robber. We have bonded so much in the past few weeks and I'm proud to call them my friends now. But recently, Jane's boyfriend proposed to her and returned to the army base. She's been very upset, not to mention that she just found out she's pregnant.

When Maura told me that Jane's pregnant, she also mentioned that she kissed Frankie Rizzoli, Jane's brother. I'm the only one who knows so far. Maura is afraid to tell Jane because she might get even more upset than she already is. She said that Frankie just pulled her in unexpectedly and kissed her. But unfortunately, Maura also said that she has to tell Frankie that she can't be with him. I've noticed how they've been playing with each other for awhile at work, but Maura just made up her mind now. She doesn't want to harm her friendship with Jane.

One day at work, my landlord called my cell phone. I was helping Maura perform an autopsy at the time my phone rang. She told me to answer it because it could be an emergency. Taking her word for it, I answered, "Hello?"

"Ms. Abigail Farley?" he asked me.

"This is she."

"I regret to inform you that you are being evicted from your apartment."

"What?! Why?"

"You haven't payed your bills in three months."

"Wait, no, please. Come on, money's tight right now. I just graduated from college and I have no where else to go!"

"I apologize, but there's nothing I can do. You have two weeks," he said. I looked up from the floor and saw Maura staring at me with concern in her eyes.

"There's got to be something. Can we just work this out? Please, there's no where else for me to go."

"I'm sure you can find a place in two weeks."

"No, I can't. You were the only one I can afford. Please--" I got cut off by the phone hanging up. I slowly took the phone from my ear and stood there, shocked, staring at the blank screen in front of me.

Maura asked, "What's wrong?"

I looked up at her with my jaw dropped and spoke, "That was my landlord. I just lost my apartment."

She walked around the table and rubbed my shoulder. She said, "Oh honey, I'm so sorry. Is there any family you could stay with?"

I looked into her hazel eyes and answered, "No. Well, yes. In Navada, but I would do anything to not go back."

"Navada? You've come a long way," she said as she stood there, thinking. She paused a short moment before speaking, "I have a spare bedroom, if you'd like to stay there?"

I looked at her in disbelief. Dr. Maura Isles, my role model and hero, just offered me to stay at her house. I quickly answered, "No, I can't take your bedroom. I don't want to burden you."

"No, it's not a problem at all! You're helping me out so much right now and doing me the honor of being my intern. So please, let me return the favor."

I thought about it for a few seconds before answering, "Thank you so much." I started to cry as she wrapped me in a hug. This was one of the biggest moments in my life.

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