Chapter 33

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Blaise had finished the yard and was helping Neville set up more charms around the house. They had set up so many already, taking their time to get each and every one very specific. Each room and hallway had it's own alarm so that if anyone did get in, the others would set off individually- alerting the house. No one with ill intent could get through either door or any of the fireplaces. The house was rather large but not compared to Nevilles or Blaise's ancestral homes.

"What about a silencing charm on each bedroom?" Blaise offered, deep in thought.

"Why would we need silencing charms on the bedrooms Blaise? What is someone was screaming..." Blaise grabbed Neville, pushing the smaller Gryffindor into the hallway wall and kissing him deeply. Grinding against him, Neville came to a sudden realization as Blaise said,

"So what if someone was screaming? We have the alarms for that," he bent his head down to suck on Neville's ear, getting a whimper in response, "maybe some of us will want to be screaming..."

"Oh... yeah... that would be a good idea."

Ron had been in a large den type room, setting it up to be the headquarter's of the Order of the Phoenix. Between he and Blinky, they had it set up pretty well, looking like a sort of conference room with a little transfiguration. When Blaise and Neville appeared to charm the room, practically having sex with their eyes Ron became uncomfortable and went to the kitchen to await Hermione and Harry who would be arriving back soon.

Hearing Draco in the next room, Ron went to investigate. Standing in the doorway, Ron was astonished,

"Add some more desks and you'll have our Potions class, Malfoy," he said, entering to inspect all the different bottles and jars on the shelves. Draco was removing more vials from a large box, placing them carefully on a set of shelves that stood alone. Then, turning, he went to stir what Ron recognized as the polyjuice potion. Looking up, Draco nodded his head toward a book shelf by the door,

"That's the only thing you're allowed to touch, Weasley. It will have healing potions and whatever else might be helpful premade on it." Ron moved to the shelf, looking at some of the vials that were already there curiously.

"You know, Malfoy, while I was setting up Headquarters for the Order, I was thinking." Draco cut him off,

"Well, don't hurt yourself. I might get blamed."

"Ha ha ha Malfoy. Ha. Seriously though, you can brew anything right?"

"Almost," Draco said looking at the clock and then back at one of the other potions.

"Well, what if we did this? You could brew several potions, the polyjuice, the different healing potions, anti-poisons, that sort of thing... and we could keep them on us. You know, in case we get trapped- or caught and need them to get out or something."

Draco frowned, going over the possibilities in his mind. Checking the clock and turning to stir the third potion- exactly six times- Draco turned to Ron, a look of shock on his face,

"That's actually quite brilliant Weasley. I'd need some time to determine what would be needed and what would be superfluous, but it is a good idea. That could save someone's life, Weasley, I'm impressed."

Draco moved to a box of books, taking them out one at a time. He saved the ones he thought might be useful in Ron's endeavor- setting those on the desk with his parchment and quills. Ron seemed to be thinking again. Finally, he broke the silence,

"do you love him Malfoy?" Draco stiffened and turned to face Ron, crossing the room to make his point and eye contact.

"I do. He's my bondmate- I would die for his happiness."

"So- since that's the case- let's end this rivalry. I'm not saying 'let's be friends'- I still can't stand you. Let's stop hating though, Mal- Draco. Harry's my best friend, like another brother and I would lay my life down for him too." He held out his hand for a hand shake.

"Alright, We-Ronald, I can agree to those terms," Draco said, taking his hand and shaking it firmly, "I still don't like you, either, but I'd leave before I made him choose." he finished, before turning back to his potions.

"As would I, Ferret." Draco looked up, shocked, a question on his face.

"You would make him choose me?" Ron nodded, Draco scowled, "why?"

"Because, my brother, Charlie- he's married to a Veela named Fleur and I've seen first hand how devoted a Veela can be; how happy she makes him. I want that for Harry."

"Weasley, I never thought I'd see the day that we called a truce and that I'd thank you, but sincerely- thank you. He means the world to me, and you to him."

"You're pretty important to him too," Ron said softly, "I've seen the looks he gives you, Malfoy. I'd say he's well on his way to falling for you."

"You think so?" Draco asked, hopefully. Ron nodded.

"Yeah, I can tell what he's thinking by his body posture most of the time- we've rarely been seperated, and been through hell, you get to know a guy. I've never seen him how he acts around you though, so that's what it has to be."

"And why's that?"

"He's never been in love, it's the only thing I don't recognize." Ron said, grinning. Draco smiled back, full of hope. Looking down at the polyjuice potion and then at the clock, he said,

"They'll be back any minute, if they're on time."

As if on cue, there was a loud pop in the living room. Ron laughed and went to greet them. Draco stayed behind, stirring. It didn't take Harry long to find him, grinning. He gazed around the room, studying the vials and jars.

"You had all of this in your trunk?"

"Yes, shrunken down. Some of it was in the kitchen."

"This is pretty impressive, Draco," he said, admiring some of the ingredients.

"No, it's not. This is childs play. When I get to Diagon Alley- with my money, then it will be a lab. Not until then."

"You're pretty serious about this? Potions making I mean," Harry asked. Draco just nodded, removing the cauldron from the flame and setting it on a nearby table with a flick of his wand. Then he did the same to another cauldron, just turning down the flame on the third- readjusting it twice. Hermione came in then, holding several hairs in her hand. Draco took them and went back to the potion as Hermione left, shooting a smile at Harry.

Finished, Draco stood back, admiring his work. He had poured the potion in six different sets of vials, one set for each hair Hermione had brought him. Turning to Harry, he grinned.

"Weasley mentioned a pretty brilliant idea of his- potion sets for each of us, in case of emergencies."


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