Chapter 14

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"Draco? You okay? What's that you've got there?" Harry asked, having noticed Draco had stopped he'd returned to make sure he was okay.

Draco looked up at him, and turned the paper for Harry to see-

"Nothing, just an old piece of parchment. Found it in the book. Where are we going?"

"I'd like to walk out by the lake for a while, if you don't mind?"

"No, I love the lake, I'd enjoy it." Draco smiled. Harry didn't say another word as they walked down to the water side, and Draco didn't want to push him. They sat down at the waters edge in a comfortable silence, staring at the stars reflected in the water.

"McGonagall says you're to be trusted- she says you're safe." Harry broke the silence.

"Well, I'll have to remember to thank her," Draco said, sounding sarcastic though he didn't mean to. Harry glanced at him questioningly, "sorry Harry, I'm not feeling well."

The pull was back. His bondmate was in a great deal of pain, emotionally, and it was Draco's job to try to find a solution though he didn't know how.

"Would you rather go inside?"

"What? No! The lake is beautiful. Besides, I think the fresh air is helping."

"Oh." Harry said, and there was another long silence, "you know, Draco, I like you. I mean, like this. You're not so bad after all. Everything around this place seems to be crashing down and you've been a welcome distraction. I think you'd be a good friend." Harry had said this rather quickly, never once looking away from the lake.

"Thank you- you're not at all what I thought you'd be like either, Harry..."

"Do you have anywhere to go when the school closes?"

"Not really. I imagine we... Mother and I, will stay here."

"I haven't seen her much."

"No, she's out with Aunt Rose most likely buying me new things- your robe is all I've got right now, till she gets back. Mum isn't around much, we're not a very... emotional sort of family."

"Oh, well you can keep it as long as you'd like. Listen, McGonagall said to invite you- well I asked her if I could- invite you to my house. It's not much, kinda dark and scary really. I'll be inheriting it from my late Godfather's estate."

"I'm sorry to hear that Harry, has he been gone long?"

"Not too long, just last year... I'll tell you about it later." Harry said, trying not to cry.

"I'm a good listener Harry, just so you know. Living in the dungeons and with Lucius, you learn to listen carefully. It might save your life."

"So... do you want to?"

"I'd love to Harry, that would be fantastic." Suddenly Draco sat straight up, listening. Harry drew his wand, turning to see what Draco was hearing. He couldn't see anything.

"What is it?"

"That oaf the groundskeeper, Hagrid. He scared me to death." Draco said, releasing his breath.

"Oy! Who's over there?" Hagrid called, Fang at his side. Draco stood, holding out his hand to help Harry up.

"It's me Hagrid- Harry!"

"Oh! Harry, who's that yeh got with yeh?" Draco introduced himself.

"Draco- we spoke earlier?"

"I know who yeh are boy! Come here, come here- don't yeh know it's too late to be out by the lake boys?"

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