Chapter 19

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Harry felt the warm rush of air from the castle as Draco pulled him through the door. He kept his eyes closed though, as Draco had requested, and his free hand out nervously so he wouldn't trip.

"Who the hell-" Harry recognized McGonagall's shocked voice.

"It's just Draco, Minerva. He's brought Potter with him." That was Snape.

"Oh, Dragon, I've looked for you everywhere!" That was probably Narcissa.

"Mr... Draco..." McGonagall again, her voice a warning. Draco cut her off.

"He deserves this, professor, and you know it. Do you all mind? I brought Harry here to surprise him, please? Give him some space?" Harry could hear them all backing away, and then Draco again, "Madame Pomphrey, will he-" Draco left the question unasked.

"Yes, any moment now. I've discontinued the dreamless sleep and calming draughts." Madame Pomphrey answered. Harry was confused and shifted from side to side. He felt Draco move closer and whisper,

"Open them now, Harry."

Harry glanced around the room, smiling at the people he knew. McGonagall was crying... or had been and was about to start up again. Even Snape looked tired and worn. Narcissa, however, was beaming a big happy smile at Harry. He grinned nervously back at her. Where were they? It took Harry only a second to recognize the place. Dumbledore's office.

"H-Harry, you've grown..." a raspy voice said behind him. Harry spun on his heal to see Albus Dumbledore, lying in a bed from the Hospital Wing, Madame Pomphrey beside him, tending to him. He was thin and looked ill but he was there. He was alive. His eyes twinkled brightly. Then, the world went black. The last thing he heard was Draco yell his name.

When Harry awoke he was in a nice warm bed. He stretched himself out, enjoying the relaxation. Then he remembered and sat up straight. He was back in the room of requirement. Draco was stretched out on the couch in the seating area- a book open on his chest, one hand hanging down to the floor.

"What a dream," Harry murmered, assuming they'd fallen asleep, talking, on the couch. Draco still had the same book. Draco growled in his sleep, a vicious and frightening sound and rolled over to face away from Harry. The next growl ended in a snarl and then a soft whimper.

Realizing that Draco was having a nightmare, and at least the Veelan part hadn't been a dream, Harry crossed the room to him and crawled up onto the couch, stretching himself out between the back cushions and Draco. It wasn't something Harry would have normally done, but Draco was asleep and that made it quite a bit easier. Not being in the bed made it easier for Harry as well, not as embarrassing. He smiled and pushed the hair out of Draco's face- getting a soft purr in response. Draco wrapped his arms around Harry and nuzzled his face into Harry's neck, slinging his leg over the brunette possessively at the same time. Harry felt his whole body grow hot in embarrasment. Carefully, so as not to wake the blonde, Harry slid one arm under Draco's head and the other snaked around his shoulder before falling peacefully back to a now nightmare free sleep.

Draco awoke feeling more rested than he ever had. He smiled warmly and snuggled back into Harry, squeezing him a bit tighter. Draco's head snapped back, his eyes wide. Harry. Draco peered around to make sure it had been Harry to come to him, not vice versa. They were still on the couch, good. Sighing, Draco readjusted himself so that his head was on Harry's chest and listened to his heart beat for a moment, feeling his chest rise and fall. He wouldn't move from this spot until Harry made him, he didn't know when he'd get to do it again. So he just lay there, enjoying the moment. It didn't take long for Harry to wake, stretching languidly against him. Heat pooled into Draco's very stomach and a soft growl escaped his lips.

Startled, Harry shoved himself backwards, effectively shoving Draco off the couch and into the floor with a thud,

"Draco! I am so sorry, I guess I forgot where I was-" Harry said, jumping up to help the blonde, his face bright red. Draco gave him an irritated look, grabbing Harry's hand and coming to his feet.

"It's okay, I guess I know how you felt in the Hospital Wing now."

They stood there for a moment staring at each other, each unwilling to breach the subject of the couch. Suddenly there was a strong feeling of powerful magic accompanied by a soft pop and before Draco could think he was grabbing Harry, pulling him behind him and snarling viciously, his wand aimed carefully at the kitchen. Peering over Draco's shoulder, startled, Harry began to laugh and couldn't stop. A very small house elf- Harry believed her name to be Lacey- was standing there. She had brought them breakfast. Her eyes were huge, her body trembling violently. With a loud shriek and another pop she was gone. Harry doubled over, clutching his side.

"It's *not* funny," Draco said, looking indignant.

"No-" Harry gasped, trying to regain his composure before doubling over again, "it's hilarious. Absolutely hilarious. You-" he gasped again, tears in his eyes, "you- weren't kidding were you? You'll protect me from *anything*!"

Draco pouted and went to sit down to eat, ignoring Harry who quickly composed himself.

"Aw come on, you're not mad are you Draco? It was funny."

"Hm. Funny." Draco said, eating some fruit. Harry sighed and sat down, filling his own plate.

"So, uh, this morning..." Harry said, refusing to make eye contact with Draco.

"What about it?"

"I'm sorry. You were having a nightmare I think and I had woke up from one. I just wanted to help..." Harry mumbled, stuffing eggs into his mouth. Draco sighed.

"Harry, don't. Just don't."

"Don't what?" Harry asked, mouth full of food. Draco rolled his eyes.

"Don't talk with your mouth full for one, secondly- don't make this awkward. Don't apologize. I enjoyed it, more than you know. Anytime you want to say something to me- anything at all, any time you want to touch me or snuggle, or whatever it is you want to do. Do it. I'm not going to get mad, I'm not going to get embarrassed, I'm the one that wants this- remember that. Even if it's just friendly, I want it." Harry blushed furiously at that. Smiling, Draco stood and went to the bathroom to shower.

When Draco emerged he was wearing nothing but a towel around his waist, his disillusionment charm gone. Harry was sitting on the bed, looking through what appeared to be a photo album. He turned to Draco, smiling-

"Hey, Draco, I want to show you some...thing." He stopped, bright red again. He hadn't noticed how toned Draco was till now. His skin was still damp- his hair mussed and sticking out in every direction.

"What?" Draco said, opening the closet and emerging in a pair of pants, the rest of his school uniform draped over his arm. That was when Harry noticed and he couldn't help but crossing the room to Draco quickly, grabbing him by the arm. He moved Draco back and then forward, looking him over. Draco wrenched his arm free. "If you're checking me out Harry, you're doing it wrong."

"No, Draco, look, your scars, they're..."

"Terrible, I know. Can you please not look at me like this?" Draco said, looking hurt and turning his back to Harry. Harry swallowed and seemed frustrated.

"Draco. Really? You're going to get self conscious with me *now*? Stop that."

"No, Harry, you stop. I really and truly do not appreciate you being anywhere near me like this, I'm horrendous."

"DRACO! Will you just shut up a minute? Please? Your scars, are fading if I'm not mistaken. Would you just look at them?" Draco stared wide eyed at Harry and then raced to the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. When he emerged this time, Draco was fully dressed now. His disillusionment charm back on. He came to sit next to Harry on the bed and reached out to touch his arm.

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