Chapter 20

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"I'm sorry Harry, I just don't want you to find me unattractive... I believe you were right though, it's too soon to tell."

"What's causing that?" Harry asked, rolling on his side to look at Draco. He swallowed hard. Draco really was fetching. He wasn't sure how he hadn't noticed it before. He obviously took great care in his appearance and looked very noble right now. His tie was still loose, and he didn't have robes on yet, giving himself a sort of casual look.

"You most likely. We've had a lot of body contact over the past fourt eight hours."

"Me? I can do that? How?"

"I told you, you have the capability of healing me just by being close. Now, what was it you wanted to show me?" Harry smiled, his look pensive as he rolled over to the bed, motioning Draco to join him,

"flop down here and see."

"I don't *flop*," Draco said, stretching out onto his stomach gracefully, "are these pictures?" Harry nodded, flipping through the book with him. There were very few pcitures of James and Lilly Potter, but they were there. All the Weasley's, and all of Harry's friends. Draco smiled when Harry was finished and they sat up in comfortable silence.

"You said you had a nightmare last night? Was it bad?" Draco asked, curious.

"Not really, sorta. It started out kind of cool, you took me around the school grounds in your Veelan form- it was so fucking amazing. Then, you had some sort of gift for me, and it turned out to be Dumbledore. Alive. He wasn't well, but he was alive."

"That counts as a nightmare?" Draco asked, looking slightly hurt. Harry frowned.

"Well I suppose not. I think I mainly scared myself. I've had a lot of nightmares since we buried him. I'm so tired of death Draco, and there's so much more to come."

Draco just stared at him, contemplating. Harry stared back, still confused.

"Harry, you amaze me, you really do. How you can remember that you're my bondmate, and everything we talked about apparently pretty clearly... and then think that our little jaunt outside and Dumbledore was a dream is beyond me." Harry frowned.

"I was there when they buried Dumbledore Draco."

"I was in a dungeon. Getting hit with hex after hex- I don't know who you buried Harry, but it wasn't Dumbledore. He's in his office recuperating. It wasn't a dream."

Harry jumped up and began to pace, occassionally stopping to stare at Draco and then pacing again.

"Are you serious? This is real?" He was looking pale again. Draco jumped up, ready to catch him.

"Yes, Harry, it's all real. Are you going to faint again? You nearly gave me a heart attack last night."

"You brought me back here?"

"Yes! Where'd you think my clothes came from? Mother brought them and stayed a while. I put you in the bed and let you rest- this has all been so stressful. I didn't think you'd want me in the bed with you... so I slept on the couch. You know the rest..."

"You... you..." Harry crossed the room and sat on one of the chairs. "You went back into the dungeons, found Dumbledore, and brought him back? For me?"

"Well, there was so much more to it than that, Harry. But, simply put, yes. I did. You're my bondmate Harry, this is what I do. Stop making me repeat it. I hate to repeat myself."

"You faced your death, to make me happy?"

"Harry." Draco said, a warning tone in his voice.

Harry turned and stared at Draco, tears in his eyes. He was beginning to cry. But, before Draco could say or do anything about it, Harry had crossed the room again, back to Draco, throwing himself at him and they both fell to the bed. He was sobbing now and Draco wrapped his arms around him, rubbing small circles in the center of his back. Harry rose up to look at him, his cheeks stained with tears, his body shuddering. Draco wasn't sure what to do or say. He wasn't sure why Harry was crying and it made him very uncomfortable.

"Harry, what do you need me to do? Please, don't cry," he said, searching Harry's emerald green eyes.

"Oh, Draco, I'm not upset. I'm not." Harry buried his face in Draco's chest again. "Thank you so much. No one's ever done something quite like this for me, ever. Thank you." He rose up again, staring at Draco who was smiling.

"You cry when you're happy?"

"A lot of people do. When they're really happy."

"This is going to be confusing," Draco muttered, looking up at the ceiling. Harry laughed and then grew very, very quiet. He didn't move, became very still. He was staring at Draco intently, and appeared to be frozen. Draco looked back at him and smirked, nervously, "what? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"No one's ever-" Harry stopped, just staring. He seemed very confused, troubled almost. "Why would you do that Draco? It... it's just..."

"Harry. Stop. Seriously, repeating myself is annoying. I love you, I'm sorry, but that's how things are."

"I know, I know, you keep saying that. I can do or say whatever I want etcetera." Draco nodded. Harry looked pensive again.

"Looks like you're finally getting the idea."

"Anything huh? Well. Hm..." he was bright red now, again.

"That's why you're a Gryffindor, Potter. You're always red." Harry blushed harder and buried his face in Draco's shoulder- not that he minded at all. Then Harry turned his head, his breath ghosting against Draco's ear causing him to shudder and swallow hard. "So... so... anything? Can I thank you? CanIkissyou?"

Draco squeaked and felt the heat pooling in his stomach again, his body tingling. He was one euphoric Veela,

"you don't have to thank me, you don't have to ask me things like that for sure...consider it an open invitation," he croaked, his voice hoarse and raspy. He swallowed hard again. With a Seeker's swiftness and Godric Gryffindor's bravery, Harry's lips were on his, pressing hard. His arms snaked around Draco's neck awkwardly, unsure of where to put them.

Then, as fast as it had began, it was over. Draco groaned as Harry pulled back and got up. He raised his body with Harry's, keeping the contact as long as he could, biting down on his tongue to control himself and only falling back onto the bed with a whoosh when Harry was completely standing.

"Draco?" Harry said softly, grinning and looking down at the frustrated blonde. Draco cracked one eye open and peered at Harry. "I think you just flopped." Draco rolled his eyes and lay still for a moment. With another groan he got up, straightening his clothes and tightening his tie. Reaching for his wand he cast a quick spell Harry was unfamiliar with, to style his hair, then, he put on his robes. Every move he made was calculated, stiff. It was completely different from the Draco Harry had just been kissing.

Glancing into a mirror by the door to admire his handywork, Draco saw past his reflection that Harry was staring. Turning, he gave him an impish grin.

"if that's how you're going to thank me, I shall spoil you relentlessly. I suppose you'll be wanting to see Dumbledore?" Harry beamed.

"Yes, I suppose I'm about to head that way. Will you be joining me, Draco?"

"I will later, I have some things I'd like to get done today- I'll probably be with Mother most of the day. I will be here after lunch though- if you need me Harry, I'll be there."

"No, that's fine. You go ahead and spend time with your mum."

"Are you sure, Harry?" Draco asked, real concern in his voice. Harry smiled brightly at him and nodded. With that, Draco turned and left. Harry sighed, looking around at the room they'd spent so much time in.

Harry knew he didn't love Draco, it was too soon for all that. He certainly found him attractive, but there was just so much to consider, he needed more time to think about it. It was a lot to take in with everything else and he needed more time.

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