Chapter 37

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Narcissa and Snape had stayed after that, choosing the basement as their room, which Harry thought Draco would find funny. He knew he would, if he had Draco there with him. Harry had become nearly inconsolable, not leaving his room for days now. He would only come out for Order meetings, determined now more than ever to find Voldemort and destroy him. He only ate when Narcissa came up and sat with him, telling him stories of her Dragon. Every night, Harry dreamt of Draco. He was always somewhere different, always in Veelan form, and Death Eaters were always attacking him.

Tonight however, was destined to be different. Draco was laying in a field, gazing up at the stars. Tonight, he was in his torn and tattered clothes, a young wizard. Harry thought surely he was dead this time and had cried out, rushing to him. But, Draco wasn't dead, just laying there, gazing. He smiled brightly when he saw him, gesturing for him to lay down beside him.

"How come you're like this tonight?" Harry asked, joining his love. Draco looked confused a moment and then replied,

"Because I'm stronger in my Veelan form, Harry, of course."

"Your mother has been making me eat. She tells me stories about you when you were young."

"None too embarrassing I hope." Draco said, looking irritated and causing Harry to laugh.

"So embarrassing Draco, and I tell her so. Every time I tell her 'Draco would be livid if he knew I knew' and every time she looks at me and smiles and then, every time, stares at a window or up at the ceiling and says 'he knows'. It's sort of a routine we've developed."

"I'm glad that you can be there for her. I thank you for that." Draco said, watching a shooting star. One multiplied into many and they were streaking across the sky, a meteor shower. Harry smiled, reaching to hold Draco's hand and wishing they had done things like this when they were together and Draco alive. This was normal couple stuff.

"I think she's doing more for me, than I her." Harry said thoughtfully. Draco looked at him, confused again.

"You have to stop having these dreams, Harry."

"I can't."

"Yes, you can, my love, just try." Draco sat up, transforming as he did so, he looked down at Harry again. His now large slanted gray eyes raking over him. Harry smiled back up at him until Draco let go of his hand. "I got you another gift, to say I'm sorry for not being good enough. I have to go now, Harry."

"No, please don't. Stay here with me."

"I can't do that anymore, I only have less than a week left and I have things to do."

"At least tell me where you're going?"

"That's silly Harry, this is a dream."

"I know that, Dray, just... please tell me."

"The Ministry, I'm going to the Ministry."

"For what?"

"To get you another gift, or to try... probably just try. If I don't I'm sorry." Draco replied, and was gone, racing across the grass and into the sky, faster than Harry could keep up. This time, he stood there, watching Draco leave, sobbing,

"But I love you Draco." he whispered, closing his eyes and waking up again. Harry cried out in frustration, slamming his fists into the bed and screaming. He couldn't even tell Draco he loved him in his mind.

A great commotion downstairs drew his attention, and his wand. He put his wand back up when he realized that they were all just cheering. He could even hear Severus joining in on the good time. Sighing, Harry rose and went downstairs. Blaise and Neville were curled up on the couch together, reading the Daily Prophet. Harry felt a pang of jealousy at this, wishing it were him and Draco. They both beamed their greetings at Harry,

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