Chapter 32

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"Where's this house elf anyway? A house elf can change the wards on it's house if ordered to do so right?" Harry asked, sitting down as dust went everywhere. Hermione nodded and glared.

"He can but he's probably went insane, being alone this long with out someone to care for." Draco said, glaring back at Hermione when she went to glare at him, "and we can't call it if we don't know it's name."

"We don't have one, or I'd call it." Ron said, "do you think, that house elves could get through these wards?" Draco nodded.

"House elves have a different kind of magic, that's why they are house elves, they can get through any wizarding magic if they wanted." Harry smiled fondly at Ron, remembering Dobby.

"I have one," he offered. Ron snorted and Hermione gasped.

"NO!" They said in unison. Hermione straightened herself up,

"Harry, you know I don't agree with using house elves." Draco stared at her, gaping, "but, I understand that we need one right now to help us. However, Kreacher is not an option. He's a terrible loathesome little beast-"

"That belongs to me- he can't hurt us at all because of that."

"Something is very wrong with that elf," Ron said, shuddering again.

"I know he's creepy, but he's all we've got. I'm calling him. Kreacher!" Harry called, waiting. They all looked around, nothing.

"Maybe he got killed at Grimmauld." Neville offered, leaning over the arm of the couch to check the kitchen.

"KREACHER!" Harry snapped, trying again. He glanced over at Draco, "what about Lacey? She was assigned to you in the room of requirement- maybe she still is, try it."

"Lacey!" Draco said. There was a soft pop. It was Kreacher. Then another, it was Lacey. Harry glared at Kreacher. He knew he'd done it on purpose, not wanting to belong to Harry. Kreacher cowered in fear, and then, spotting Draco- his eyes got wide and he smiled, trembling with excitement, he bowed.

"Master is with a member of the noble house of Black he is, Master."

"I *know* who he is Kreacher. Listen, there is a house elf here, I want you to find it and bring it here. Lacey, thank you for coming, if you could please go let Remus Lupin know that we're all here and safe?"

"Tell him, owls can not get in where we are and tell them that by tonight we will have the floo network set up, as well as the wards changed to allow owls. No apparating."

"Make sure they know we're okay. Don't tell them where we are," Neville added, not knowing who the adults would be around when Lacey arrived. Hermione nodded thoughfully.

"That's all Lacey, go," Draco said as the house elf disappeared. He looked up at the group, "we're going to need supplies from Diagon Alley and Knockturn. I'll need to stop by Gringott's and get money. I'll go alone because I can fly and apparate- they think I'm dead anyway."

"No. It's too dangerous to go alone," Neville said, "we should stick together."

"We should see what we have here first," Ron said, "it's too dangerous for any of us to be seen in public right now- they know about you and Zabini, and Harry and Malfoy- obviously. We know they also know that where Harry goes, Hermione and I aren't far behind." arguments ensued over who was going where to get what.

"I have an idea," Hermione offered calmly. Everyone stopped their arguing and turned to look at her. She smiled, knowing she had their attention. "Harry and I will go to the nearest muggle town- don't look at me like that Draco, they're muggles. We'll have our wands, and Harry can apparate if we have to. We'll get some supplies, and some hair from somewhere for a polyjuice potion. I saw all the ingredients in the kitchen I think. By the time, you get everything ready and brewing, we'll be back.. if the wards will allow someone to apparate out?"

Draco sighed and nodded, she had a point. There would be two of them so they could get back.

"Fine. Be careful though, and be back on time- the potion..."

"I know I've brewed one before." Hermione said, preening. Ron and Harry laughed. "Ron, while Draco's doing that you and Neville get Kreacher-"

There was a soft pop and Kreacher appeared, holding another smaller house elf in a head lock- struggling to control it.

"I is finding him sir, I is finding him! He is Blinky Master!"

"Thank you Kreacher. Blinky, is it? Why do you want to hurt us?" Harry asked, addressing the smaller elf.

"You is not my Master, Sir. My master was leaving to get supplies with little Master, he says to Blinky to not let anyone in sir! I is doing what I is told!"

"I knew both the Thronton's, elf. The young Master Thronton you speak of, Remulus, was my friend. My name is Draco... Malfoy. Blaise Zabini is outside, do you remember me?"

"You is growing Master Draco, but yes I is remembering you I remembering Master Blaise too. I do not know these peoples though sir!" The house elf squeaked.

"Your masters are gone now, Blinky, they were killed by Lord Voldemort's followers. We want to hurt them- make them go away forever. If we're going to do so, we need a safe place to stay. We need to stay here- would that be okay?"

"Oh yes, that would be so good. I is missing my Masters and knows they are gone. You may stays here and hurt the bad people that hurt my Masters, sirs."

"And no more tricks?" Neville asked, glancing toward the window where Blaise was in the yard, setting off the traps.

"No more tricks sir, Blinky is helping now. Blinky will be nice and Blinky will clean the house and fix food and helps like she did with old Masters."

"Thank you, but more importantly, can you make it possible to apparate in here Blinky? Just the people here right now, no one else. Can you do that?"

"Blinky is doing it right now, Missus, just the Masters here and the Missus. Is any of you wanting something else?"

"Yes," Harry said, "can you make it possible for us to get through the gate?"

"You is getting through Master, you is not needed Master Draco or Master Blaise. Every ones is here is getting through." A chorus of thank yous and Harry and Hermione were gone, apparating out with a pop. Blinky and Kreacher set to cleaning the house.

Draco was piling the potions ingredients, and his own, in a spare bedroom downstairs near the kitchen. He was slightly shocked when Lacey reappeared next to him, letting him know everyone was glad they were okay and they were currently holding down Hogwarts but they wanted to know what was going on.

"Lacey is liking potions sir," she bowed deeply, "I is serving Master Draco now. Master Severus says for Lacey to go- he is not needing her any more."

"Well, Lacey, you can start by not touching my cauldron here, ever. Keep that Blinky out of here too. You may clean this room, but not the others. You may reside here if you wish. Say, could you get that bed, and furniture out of here? If there are shelves anywhere, please put those up. Oh, and if there's a desk and chair- I'd appreciate it." With that and a bow, Lacey was gone. Draco sighed and went back to his potions he had brewing in three different large cauldrons.

What a Terrible MessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora