Chapter 18

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"I understand the request for contact, Draco, just like that night in the Hospital Wing, it definitely makes sense to me. I'd be more than happy to help you get to full health, on one condition."


"I want to fly. I can fulfill two requests at once here," Harry bargained. Then with a sly grin Salazar Slytherin would have been proud of, "You want to know something about me? I love to fly- I don't care how, I just love to fly, it's a part of me. It would also give you the close contact you want- and now you've learned something else about me."

"You're asking me to... give you a ride? Is that why you were so entranced with my Veelan form? You want a ride?" Harry nodded, and seemed like a small child,

"Can you do that? Carry that much weight or..."

"Of course I can, what kind of question is that Harry? It's a powerful form. I'll fly with you any time you'd like. Don't expect anyone else to get carried though. Seriously. I'm not doing it. Anyone else risks getting sliced to pieces anyway."

"Deal." Harry said, grinning like a maniac.

"I'll circle the grounds then take you up to see what I got you, okay?" With that, Draco stood away from the couch so as not to damage it.

Draco stood and removed his robes, stripping down to his boxers and causing Harry to blush. A black mist seemed to ooze off of him, as he changed. It made it hard for Harry to see what was going on but what he could see looked painful. Draco showed no signs of pain. When it was over, Draco was gone and there stood his Veelan form. Harry finally got to get a good look at the thing that had saved his life. Draco had grown at least a foot- now towering over Harry easily. His wings were wrapped carefully around him, folded in on each other. Noticing Harry staring, Draco spread his wings to their full extent- preening. Harry guessed that the span was about twenty feet. His talons really were like a Buckbeak's, though these were settled at the end of very long fingers. They looked razor sharp. His legs were bent backwards like an animals, his feet extended. Harry realized that if Draco were to stretch himself out, he'd be around seven to seven and a half feet tall. He was quite a bit thinner now too. His skin looked scaly and a bluish gray, his body was full of sharp lines, though his shoulders were still pretty broad. His normally straight, aristrocratic nose was now hooked slightly, his gray eyes slanted and larger. His ears had a point to them now and his mouth reminded Harry of something between a human and feline. Draco straightened himself to a fuller heighth... was he showing off? Harry smiled and shook his head softly. Though, he did have to agree, Draco's Veelan form was impressive- a thing to behold and to fear.

Harry decided then to reach out and touch him, he was curious to what his skin felt like. He moved slowly, unsure of what the protocol was in this situation. Looking down at him, Harry's hand just inches from his chest, Draco stepped foward- connecting them. Harry gasped a bit. The skin wasn't rough at all, it was warm and smooth to the touch. It seemed to glow beneath Harry's hand. Startled, Harry pulled his hand back and glanced up at Draco who just tilted his head to the side. Harry's handprint was still there, though fading, like a warm hand on cold glass. Curious, Harry reached up to touch him again, moving his hand this time- sliding it along Draco's chest smoothly. The light smeared, leaving a sort of trail. Draco began to emit a sort of purring sound and seemed to relax quite a bit. Harry grinned,

"you're purring Draco." Draco shook his head in response, looking irritated. Then he leaned over and into Harry, his face inches away. Tilting his head up to meet the Veelan gaze, Harry smiled. Draco returned the smile and it was slightly startling. His teeth seemed normal except four sets of long, gleaming canines. Draco really was deadly.

Before he knew what was happening, Draco had lifted Harry into his arms, swinging him around to his back. Harry found the most comfortable place was right behind Draco's wings and he held onto them at the base near Draco's back. Wherever his fingers touched, glowed, and he made a note to question Draco about that later. Then, Draco moved quickly to a window Harry was sure hadn't been there before, and he lept. Movement on the ground felt something like what Harry imagined riding a large snake would feel like. He could feel the muscles shift and tighten beneath him as Draco's wings opened up, catching an updraft.

Draco soared around the castle, twisting and turning slightly to avoid different towers and one or two owls. Then he was climbing higher and dove straight down toward the lake before rising again, his poweful wings only needing to beat once or twice to lift. They circled the Quidditch pitch, turning almost completely sideways along some of the stands. He could feel Harry shaking and he slowed to focus. Harry was laughing, genuinely laughing. Draco decided then that they would have to do this again soon- he could live off of that sound.

Landing carefully, Draco latched himself to the side of one of the towers- digging his talons into the stone. Harry dove forward and wrapped his arms around Draco's neck, frightened for a moment as Draco scaled the side of the tower, up to it's balcony and crouched there so Harry could dismount. They stood there for a moment, Draco returning to normal, Harry breathing heavily from excitement, his face flushed. Harry realized, as Draco changed, neither of them had thought to pick up the robes that had been discarded earlier. Sighing, Harry removed his, again. Handing them over, Harry playfully jabbed,

"Draco, I think you might be a nudist. You're going to have all my robes before this is over."

"Might be." Draco said, smiling suggestively. Harry blushed bright crimson, matching the red shirt he wore. That only caused Draco's grin to widen.

"That was... awesome, Draco. Purely amazing, thank you." Harry said and then, as if a last minute thought, Harry stepped forward to hug the blonde. Frozen in shock, Draco stood very still, then seemed to melt and flung his arms around Harry. It was nice being shorter than Harry again, he felt that his head was meant to rest on Harry's shoulder.

Harry patted Draco on the back in a very friendly gesture and pulled away, looking around,

"Hey, Draco, where are we?"

"Oh, remember? We're here for you to see what I've been keeping a secret."

"My gift?" Harry asked, frowning. It had to be kept in a tower? Why was this place so familiar.

"Yes, now, if you'd close your eyes, please-" Draco said, reaching for the door with one hand, Harry's hand with the other. Harry decided to amuse Draco, taking the offered hand and closing his eyes as Draco swung open the doors.

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