Chapter 26

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Remus was the first to break free, just as they reached King's Cross. He quickly cast spells to free everyone else, including Blaise. As soon as Harry was free, he collapsed immediately to the ground while everyone looked on. Remus and Neville left quickly to help the Auror's who were wounded, some dead. Blaise knelt beside Harry and put an arm around his shoulder, Ron joined them next and then Hermione, tears in her eyes.

"Harry... I'm sorry," she whispered, "I'm so sorry."

"He... He's dead isn't he? He's not coming back?" Harry asked, nearly pleading with Blaise, "can you... can you sense him, or something? I need to know..."

"I can't, Harry, I'm sorry. I don't... I don't feel him anywhere."

Harry burst out into sobs, throwing himself at Ron who just held him, patting his back comfortingly. After a moment or two, Remus came back,

"Harry, I'm sorry. But we have to go... we can't stay here." Harry nodded and rose, shrinking Draco's trunk down and placing it inside his own, along with his cloak. Ron and Hermione watched him sadly and Blaise was holding Neville, tears in the Magiodrago's eyes for the loss of his best friend, his brother. Then, he stood, now looking more determined than ever.

"Hermione? Can you call one of your parents? Didn't you get a car for your birthday?"

Hermioned nodded, wiping the tears off of her face, she knew she had to be strong for Harry and said,

"yes, I'll call them and have them bring it- I assume you want to 'go muggle'?" Harry nodded. They had discussed this before, having developed it as a last resort. They would travel as muggles, absolutely no magic, to remain under the radar and safe.

As they entered platform 9 3/4, Harry explained the rules while Hermione went to call her parents. She returned, smiling,

"They're on their way Harry." Everyone stripped their robes off, stuffing them into various trunks to appear more muggle. Harry was obviously trying not to cry again. Hermione approached Harry, and pulled him to the side as the others watched the street and the skies for any more danger, or Hermione's parents.

"Hermione- just... just don't. I never got to tell him anything I wanted to, never got to really know him. It hurts." Hermione hugged her friend and smiled,

"Draco would have d-" she seemed to choke, then tried again, "he must have reall l-" she choked again.

"Hey!" Harry called, getting everyone's attention, "something's wrong with 'Mione!" Ron of course was the first to reach them,

"what's happening? 'Mione- are you okay?"

Hermione nodded, laying a reassuring hand on Ron even though she did seem slightly concerned.

"I'm fine, I don't know what happened- I was just telling Harry that Draco must have really lo-" she choked again. Grabbing her throat, Hermione looked frightened, she looked up at Ron, "I don't know what this is! Remus, do you? Neville? Blaise? Why can I talk to you but not to Harry?"

"I've never heard of that before, try again." Remus said, stepping closer. Hermione turned back to Harry,

"You're one of my best friends," she said clearly. She frowned then tried, "Draco lo-" choking again. A light beamed across her face and she actually seemed happy, "Draco is a-" choke.

"Have you gone absolutely bonkers? You could choke to death trying to talk through a wizard's debt." someone said, Hermione spun to see Draco standing there, bruised and broken. He held his arm against his chest, the bone shattered. Hermione screamed and Ron had to catch her from fainting. Blaise rushed to Draco to embrace him,

"are you fucking insane? You could have been killed! You SHOULD have been killed!" Ron whooped loudly,

"you're one brave son of a bitch, Ferret!"

Harry stood there, staring. Draco was hurt badly, but everyone else was safe. His mouth hung open, not believing Draco was there for a moment. He couldn't hear much, for the ringing in his ears. Vaguely he noticed Hermione and Neville talking about Draco's condition and would he let them try to heal him? Draco's voice letting them know he would- Ron saying something... Draco's eyes locking with his. 'I'm sorry, Harry, I love you.' was repeating somewhere in the back of Harry's mind. He could still see Draco's wing nearly disintegrating, and him falling from the sky, Draco's eyes when he'd kissed Harry, Draco grinning impishly at him now. Rage filled Harry so quickly he didn't know what to think, and when he spoke, everyone froze.

"I don't know how you did it," Harry said, closing the space between them, Draco stood a bit taller as if to embrace Harry. Instead, Harry punched him, knocking Draco to the ground, "but you had better NEVER do that to me again! DO YOU HEAR ME?" Everyone gasped and stepped back, staring. Draco pulled himself up onto his one good elbow, his eye beginning to swell. Blaise and Ron started to step forward but Draco held up his hand to stop them, shaking his head. Harry was pacing back and forth, waving his arms about, "are you crazy? Are you absolutely fucking insane? You could have died, SHOULD have died! I thought you were DEAD! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT WAS LIKE? I *saw* you fall, I was in the perfect position for it!" Harry turned to glare at Draco, now standing and holding himself up against a muggle car. Harry rushed forward, embracing the Veela and sobbing, tucking Draco's head under his chin, resting his head on top. Draco's good arm snaked around him, holding him closer.

"I'm sorry Harry, I didn't know what else to do- I just wanted to protect you. I'm sorry. I love you..." Draco was whispering, Harry stood back, staring at Draco as two cars approached. Hermione's parents.

"Before we go," Neville said- he and Hermione stepping forward, wands ready.

Harry nodded at them, looking sheepish and let them cast the spells to heal Draco's arm and reduce the swelling- though Hermione saw fit to leave him with the black eye, Draco looked over them at the cars,

"what the hell is going on?"

"We're going to act like muggles, it'll make it safer to get where we're going. Harry opened the car door, peering inside,

"you added wizarding space to your *car*? Isn't that breaking some rule somewhere Hermione?" Hermione peered around the car to glare at him snapping,

"It's not much, I thought something like this might happen. At least *I* can drive, Harry James Potter." Harry and Ron tried to looked ashamed, grinning when she looked away.

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