Chapter 11

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Even though they could fly now anyway, Draco and Blaise still loved their brooms. They also loved the game of Quidditch. Draco sat quietly, well above the Pitch- waiting for the Snitch to show itself, occasionally diving to score with the Quaffle. It was acceptable, considering they only had two players. Blaise was exceptionally good at blocking and had kept the score pretty even- all things considered. Draco had only seen action with two bludgers. One had been dodged, the other successfully batted at Blaise's head. Each player, even Harry and Draco, had their clubs with them- it was the only way without taking both (they only used one) bludgers out of action all together.

Seamus and Ron cheered as they managed to score and Draco rolled his eyes. Harry grinned, having moved closer while Draco was looking for the snitch.

"You're gonna lose Malfoy!"

"Unfair odds Potter! Unfair!" Draco called back.

Then, suddenly, they both spotted movement in the distance. Turning quickly they tried to find it. The snitch floated steadily right above the announcer's stand. Behind it, running toward them, was Hermione Granger- a large book tucked under arm- Neville not far behind. Draco's heart leapt to his throat as both he and Harry dived in the same direction- though not for the same reason. Harry turned, the snitch in his hand, holding it high in the air. His friends and Blaise gathered around him cheering- but where had Draco gone?

"Granger- stop. Please, stop."

"Get away from me Malfoy, you- you- well you're up to something, that's what you are! I'm not going to let you hurt anyone!" Her voice was shrill, she was out of breath from running. Neville was quickly catching up.

"You can't do this to me Granger! DAMNIT! YOU CAN'T DO THIS!"

"And why not? You could be VERY dangerous!" Hermione drew her wand, sticking it to his chest, "I said get. away. from. ME!"

"You have to let me explain, please, just..."

"Hermione! Hermione! Stop it!" Neville said, trying to pull her arm away. Hermione pushed him back, away from her.

"You don't know him Neville!"

"I do! Hermione, please, listen to me- I do know him. Blaise told me everything. Hermione- stop. It's not yours to tell!"

"Zabini! So he *is* the Magiodrago! I have to warn the others!"

"NO!" Draco roared, "stop it Granger, you idiot. Stop this now! You- you owe me a wizard's debt Granger. YOU FUCKING OWE ME! I saved your life! I'm calling in your debt to me Granger!" Draco put his wand to Hermione's head, " You will NOT say a word about me being a Veela- not one fucking word to anyone but me, until I say!" Hermione paused at this.

"I'll find a way Malfoy- I will." With that, she lowered her wand. Draco had already put his up. The rest of the group was fast approaching.

"Granger- Hermione, please. Please, I am begging you, just let me explain. I'm sorry- for every thing I've done- just please let me explain all of this first. We'll go to the library, I'll tell you everything- I know you know spells to tell if I'm lying- I'll even take a truth serum. Just please, let me explain first! I wouldn't beg YOU, of all people, if I had any other choice."

"Fine. FINE MALFOY- but we're going. Now." The group was quickly approaching.

"Dray! Potter caught the damned snitch! Get on your game!" Blaise yelled, running up to them.

"Draco- where'd you go? One second you were behind me, the next- gone." Harry added. Pulling up the rear was Ronald Weasley,

"ready to eat those words Malfoy?"

"Good game Weasley, Finnigan. Blaise- shut up. Harry, sorry, I saw these two racing down here and I thought there might have been trouble-"

"And you didn't yell for us Draco? Hermione are you okay?" Harry asked, concerned.

"Yes, Harry, I'm fine. I may have found something useful though- it's very complicated though. It involves... potions to some extent. I thought Mal- *Draco* here would be able to assist me in figuring out what it all means."

"You were running for that?" Ron asked, suspicious.

"Well yes, Ronald, it's very exciting you see. It's spans back over centuries of time- well before most of our modern day potions and spells were involved. If you can recall our first year Potions class with Snape, you'll all remember tha-" Ron held up his hand to stop her, and interrupted,

"alright, 'Mione, alright- we get it."

"Guys- it really is exciting. You see, back then there were many more magical creatures-"

"Hermione, do you know what they are exactly?" Harry asked.

"Well, no, not exactly. Not yet, that's what I needed him for." Hermione said, spitting the word 'him'. It was Harry's turn to interrupt her,

"okay, well you two go to the library and figure it out- I'm going to go see if I can find McGonagall and see if anything has changed. I'll meet you guys down there."

"Ron?" Hermione gestured, asking if he would go.

"Not today 'Mione, I'm going to stay out here with Seamus and practice some more." Ron said, sending a grin at Draco, "not that we need it"

"I'll go with you Harry, if you don't mind," Neville said and then paused, "Blaise?"

"Lead the way Potter- lead the way."

Hermione collapsed into the nearest chair, glaring at Draco.

"Spill it Malfoy." Draco drew his wand and waved it around them.

"Muffliato," he whispered, then he looked at Hermione, "so no one *else* finds out anything else."

"Fair enough. Go." Hermione said, gesturing with her hand for him to hurry up.

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