Chapter 27

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"Those of you that need to change clothes should. If you don't have anything but robes, I'm sure Harry can help you out," Hermione said, putting the car into drive and pulling out of King's Cross, her parent's long gone. She leaned over to the radio and Savage Garden's Crash and Burn began to play throughout the car.

"I don't have my trunk- or muggle clothes." Draco said, looking at Harry.

"I've got it," Harry said, reaching into his own trunk and then pulling out a shirt and pair of pants, "here, these are small on me. You can get more later, I'm sure. Then, he passed passed around more clothes to everyone else, except Remus, who often went among muggles anyway.

Stripping off his own robes, down to the clothes he wore anyway, Harry pretended to be looking out the window, watching Draco peel his own tattered robes off, getting down to his boxers. Draco turned to look at him, one eyebrow delicately arched, and paused. Harry sighed, blushing, and sunk lower in his seat.

"Busted," Blaise laughed, having seen the interaction. Harry watched outside, Draco's hand in his and heard Hermione put on her turn signal. Alarmed, Harry sat up,

"hold on, where are we going?"

"Well, we all need to rest before heading off to Grimmauld Harry, I don't want to fall asleep driving and I'm the only one who *can* drive. We certainly can't walk."

"I asked you where we're going," Harry snapped. Draco sat up, looking around.

"The Dursley's Harry, they agreed to shelter you- their house is protected. It's a safe place."

"No, turn around. We are *not* going to the Dursley's."

"I won't sleep there." Ron chimed in, "I hate them, Hermione, you hate them, Harry hates them. Everyone hates them. We'll find somewhere else."

"We'll go to a hotel. Hermione, did you just forget what Draco did on the train, did you?" Harry asked, irritation still prominant in his voice.

"Yes," Hermione replied, realization dawning on her.

"Who are the Dursley's? What's going on?" Draco asked.

"Harry's muggle family," Ron offered.

"If you go to the Dursley's Vernon and Dudley are going to start their bullshit- most likely Aunt Petunia too, Draco is going to lose his mind, and we're *all* going to go to Azkaban," Harry said, sitting back.

"I'm inclined to agree with Harry, after the train." Remus offered, "a motel would be easier."

"I think we should go!" Ron cut in, "release the ferret on them, that'll teach 'em to hit Harry Potter!"

"Hit Harry?" Draco asked, a small growl escaping his throat. Harry layed an encouraging hand on his knee.

"No, Ron," he snapped, "we're *not* going, now stop it-"

"Well we could just stop by- I'll take him inside, you stay in the-"

"NO! Ron quit. Draco, calm down, I promise we'll talk about it later." Harry glared at Ron, daring him to speak again.

"Harry," Hermione said, desperate to change the subject, "we don't have any money. I never thought I'd say this with Draco and Blaise as resources, but we're broke."

"Nonsense, I had a good chunk changed to muggle money just in case." Harry said, digging a credit card out of his trunk. "It's still a good few days drive Hermione, let's stop and get some food- and some clothes in the morning." Hermione beamed in the rearview mirror,

"I love you Harry."

"I love you too, Hermione. Now, where should we get some food? I'm thinking McDonald's."

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