Chapter 3

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"GET OFF OF ME!" She shrieked, pushing away. Draco shook his head wildly, he was growing weak. "I WILL KILL YOU, YOU LITTLE HALF BLOOD! YOU BLOOD TRAITOR!" She shrieked, aiming her wand at him, readying to cast the killing curse no doubt. Draco was weak, and he could feel Blaise losing. Then she paused, an evil smile came over her face and she bent down to whisper. "or maybe I'll kill your mate..." Quickly, she pointed her wand at the DA and Blaise. Draco was quicker, he dove onto the DA just as Blaise was encircling them tighter. Instinctively Draco spread his large wings out, pulling as many of them to him as he could.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Bellatrix shrieked, hitting Draco square in the back. He fell forward on top of the mixed house group of students. Blaised coiled even more tightly around the bunch, fitting them all beneath his friends impressive wingspan. He was too weak to fight anymore. His friend was dead, and he was using his body as shelter. But his mate, and hopefully Draco's were safe within his coils. He fought for consciousness and sanity as aurors flooded the field, wands drawn, the dark mark glittering in the sky. The death eaters were gone, those that lived. Blaise released his grip and rolled himself out, writhing in the pain he was feeling. His best friend, his life long defender was dead, laying on the ground beside him, wings crumpled. The aurors were rushing them now. Blaise bared his rows and rows of sharp jagged teeth, attempting to snap. Why did everyone have to wear black robes? It was hard to tell who was friend, and who was foe.

Hagrid was rushing between them, arms raised, warning off the aurors. Something about danger, that the students were okay...something about rare beasts. He wasn't a beast, Draco wasn't a beast... he rolled over to Draco and let out a whimper, nudging him with his tail. He let out a howl, though not loud because he was soon to lose consciousness. His ears were ringing louder and louder. The last thing he remembered was Draco's unbroken wing rising into the air, and his clawed hand reaching out for the injured Magiodrago.

"Are they okay...?" he was whispering. Blaise managed one last nod and what he hoped was a not too terrifying smile before he let the darkness take him.

The next thing Blaise knew he could hear Draco's voice through the darkness as he fought to seek out his friend.

"YOU mean abosolutely NOTHING TO ME! You WILL free me, you will do it NOW! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!" Draco was roaring at someone. The room shook.

"Mr. Malfoy, I would ask you to..." That was Madame Pomphrey.

"I must find him I must and don't you MR. MALFOY ME! My name is not MR. MALFOY it's-"

"DRACO!" That was Narcissa. Blaise opened his eyes, dizzy and still groggy. He pulled himself up to watch. The infirmary was filled with students, all wounded from the battle on the quidditch pitch. Draco cast a glance over to Blaise, ignoring his mother.

"Things are not well Blaise, they're not. Can you move? We have to go. They have me hexed to this damned bed Blaise. We have to go, we have to go now."

"Draco." his mother soothed, petting back his hair, "Draco, calm yourself."

Blaise tried to move and was incensed that he couldn't. He struggled angrily against his bonds, there was no escape. "Draco, you must calm yourself. Your powers are new. You could hurt someone."

"I'll hurt YOU ALL if you don't let me GO!"

"He doesn't like being bound. We were bound for a long time. Let us go. Let us go now," Blaise hissed, searching for the 'beast' as Hagrid had called it, inside him. Narcissa sighed as Snape approached. Both boys seemed stilled for a moment.

"I have potions for both of you, I meant to be here when you awoke. I feared you had been killed." He said, addressing them together.

"They won't take their potions." Madame Pomphrey grumbled. Snape ignored her and went to each boy, and they willingly drank the potions vials he offered. She just stared. Snape lifted his wand and released them both.

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