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Taeyong Pov. 2017/12/22

Minseo we have too meet!

with these words I hung up.

I could do it I told myself wearing my shoes and jacket

I was on the way the way what decided my future i didn't care if the whole world would hate me Afters but I wanted this one love

"Jennie "

The girl I would die for this one love I called my last and this one love I wanted to build my future with.

I wanted her all for myself and I didn't care what for hardship I had to go trough because if I had her I would be the happiest human on earth.

20 Min later..

Yeah what is is oppa you wanted too talk with me?
minseo said sipping on her coffee.

Let's break up I said fast

But she was still looking at her coffee

I don't want to she said light with a mad tone.

I don't care if you don't want it because I want to break up with u

It's because of this Jennie right she said again sipping on her coffee.

I didn't say anything.

Oppa I'm not stupid I know that you still love her but it's for my reputation you know? She said

What do you mean reputation I glared at her.

I mean I actually really liked you and thought that we can begin from the beginning but you weren't even paying Once attention to me nor love or handle me how you do that to a couple.

And then I saw it.

remember when we were in you dorm and you thought that the others weren't there? You though wrong I was still there and heard you're little romantic conversation.

And from there I understood it

i wasn't the one you loved but you loved her. I was a little heartbroken about that but then i put myself together & decided it.

I couldn't have you love so I just wanted you body you don't have to love me taeyong but we need to still stay together we need to show this world who really are the halius couples so we need to stay together and this without feelings.

No minseo I don't care about our position anymore and the only thing I really just want is to be together with Jennie and I really don't care about you reputation I said and stood up to leave

You can't leave me lee taeyong I heard her shouting from behind.

Next day. 17/12/23

It was 7 am know i woke up then went taking a shower and brushing my teeth,after that I went up to wake all my members up because we had to go to the studio to make some recording for our incoming album.

On the way I became calls after calls it was minseo but i ignored it til i saw her standing there before the door.

See ya I said to the others and they gave me some worried see ya back.

What do you want I asked her but she would just stare into my eyes and don't give me answers

Minseo if you're just here because— then she stopped me by kissing me

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