Chapter 12

357 13 2

Taeyong Pov

Back from our trip, my only thought we're Jennie.

I missed her so much that I couldn't stand not seeing her.

We called each every day but it didn't give the same feeling as speaking with each other side to side.

It was my birthday today but I did not feel like celebrating anything.

She didn't call once today so I was wondering if she forgot.

I kept thinking about the reason why I reserved no calls from her,that I called her instead.

"Ring Ring Ring " this number...

She didn't hung up did she really forgot my birthday? I said sad.

Are you talking about Jennie? Yuta asked me

Yeah , I didn't receive one call
From her and when I try to call she doesn't answer back.

She's probably going to call you man

maybe she has something really important to do right know he said looking out the window.


Out of our flight.

Yeah we back said mark in English.

i feel like throwing up. replied chenle

As our car arrived we went in and waited till we arrived at our dorm while arriving I could see a girl coming out from my back door.

oh isn't this Jennie noona? Chenle asked

He was right it was her I could recognize her pink biker jacket witch she had one unicorn zipper on it.

I just were  happy seeing her after a long time it felts like years although it was just 2 weeks.

Now out of the car I walked in her direction, but she just run away , didn't she want to hug me or something I thought, I just became more frustrated And irritated.

I was just hoping that it had an explanation.

Surprise my friends called when I opened the door.

I was just happy to seeing all my friends here, but then I saw Jennie and my eyes were completely just looking at her.

I wanted to hug her and tell her how I missed her but then she gave me a reference to look at the ride side.

What just made me just more confused, i thought that I wasn't seeing right and that my body was playing with me a bad joke.

I saw this girl, what was she doing here and how did she find me.

My emotion were totally in a mess right now and completely overwhelmed with the situation if been.

Struggle of a relationship. - JenyeongWhere stories live. Discover now