Chapter 5

706 18 3

1 week later

(Taeyong's POV)

I laid in my bed because I was still irritated how I felt about her,

do I like her? , do I feel something about her?
No no no taeyong you can't

first you don't have time to date & second she's from yg

And what will the fans think? I can't do this I mumbled to myself ,

Ten entered my room

Can't you knock I asked annoyed

Miahne hyung he said like he doesn't even care.

What do you want from me? I asked

Actually I need you help he said

What for I replied

You know blackpinks lisa right?

Yeah ,why do you ask about her? I asked

you know she's one of my close friends right? So I asked her if we could meet ten said ,

so what? I said with an eyebrow up ,

ahh and i said that i will come with a friend he said with an nervous ton

And why are you telling me that I asked him with the If you gonna say what i think i will kill you  look  ,

this friend is you he said & laugh it off .

I sigh why did I know he would say  me?

whaeee i asked annoyed.

because at that moment I thought about you , so I said that you will come too. he said and scratched his head ,

why did you say that I will come I
asked him annoyed but calmly.

Cause I was nervous, she's after all a girl you know & it would be weird if I ask a girl out alone.

I thought your close friends why would close friends be awkward with each other just because you meet alone? I said.

I felt some nervousness on him and asked

" ten could it be that you - your like Lisa shii?

Whaaaat? ,I think you got me he said & scratched his head.

haha I'm happy for you I said &  smiled at him but he had an unexpected reaction,

Taeyong hyung your weird,  he said and looked at me like like I was some alien. Why I am  weird I asked him

because when I told you that I wanted to go out with Jennie shii you said that I shouldn't because the company & fans would just be disappointed and would cause a lot of drama but when I said that I like Lisa are you even happy and smile at me as if I would get married he said

Struggle of a relationship. - JenyeongTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon