| Chapter Six | Blood

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Shorter chapter today...well it's under 1000 words. So shorter than normal chapters for this book.


Statilia grips Adam's jacket, she examines at the guards surrounding them. Adam has his sword out, his eyes peering at all the guards. The King chuckles.

"So.. Sky, how's Alesa?" He questions. Sky froze, Statilia gazed at him.

"Sky?" She asks.

"Oh hold on.... She found someone better. That must have been horrible." The King asserted. Sky flinched, his sword getting knocked out of his hand, a guard striking towards Sky. Sky looks at the guard last second, the guard's sword cuts across Sky's abdomen. Statilia grabs Sky as her eyes widen.

"Commander!" She cried. Blood gushed out of Sky's wound, soaking his shirt in blood and he sinks to his knees as pain erupts up all over him. He groans and puts his arm around his stomach. Statilia took out a knife and tried to protect Sky from another hit, but she was grabbed and yanked into one of the guards. "No!" The doors busted open, a knife impacting the sword before it strikes Sky. Statilia struggles in the guard's grip, she sees Sky's skin turning pale. Sky puts his hand on the floor to keep him upright as his vision blurred. He heard voices, something was going on around him but he couldn't comprehend it. 'Damn, why...I got over what happened with Alesa. I told myself that at least, but it still hurts to think about.' Sky thought. He sees someone kneel down in front of him, they were talking to him in a rushed and dreaded tone.

"Commander----you---walk?" Sky caught, the question was confusing to him. He didn't know what they were talking about, or rather, who they were. He knew he lost a lot of blood, but he surprised he hasn't past out yet. Then a voice he knew, his hearing returned a bit, enough for him to tell it was Ian and for him to hear what they said.

"Dammit Sky, I knew we should have come with you. Can you walk?" Ian asks Sky. Ian grabbed Sky's shoulder, moving him backwards. Ian could see the dazed look in his eyes. 'He's lost too much blood. He wouldn't be able to do anything for a while.' Ian thought. Sky smiled a bit, his weak voice making Ian and the other flinch.

"H-Hey...I-Ian.. W-When did you g-get here?" Sky stammered weakly. Ian holds Sky upright and looks at the recruits.

"Take him to Alamut now. He needs medical attention immediately. I'll be right behind you." Ian said. The recruits finish the makeshift bandage around Sky's stomach and they all get the weak Commander up to his feet and out the door as fast as they could. Ian stood up, he looked at Statilia. Statilia avoided his eyes. Ian looked over at the King.

"General Ian. What a surprise. How many of my guards have you killed?" The King asks. Ian looks at Statilia.

"We're leaving." Ian said. He grabs Statilia's arm and drags her behind him. Statilia looks at Ian's bloody hands and clothes.

"General Ian, I--"

"You are to return to the base, immediately. Seto wants to have a word with you." Ian said. Statilia's eyes widen in horror.

"N-No." She asks. Ian looks at her.

"No? Statilia, this isn't a time for defying orders. Now, return to the base. Tell Jason what happened here. Do you understand?" Ian asks her. She looked up to meet his eyes, she felt smaller than him for some reason. 'He isn't even much taller than me, than why do I feel so small?' She thought. She nods without hesitation.

"Y-Yes sir." She said. Ian climbs up on his horse and she gets on hers. She is given the reins to Sky's horse that tied to a rope. She watched Ian leave and she follows.




It was dawn, recruits were already outside training and whatnot. A nurse goes into Ty's room, she stands beside him. Ty is still out cold. She sets her things on the bedside table and takes the cloth off Ty's burning forehead. She puts her hand on his forehead, feeling it. Than Ty grabbed her wrist making her jump and gasp.

"O-Oh...you scared me. Don't do that General--Ty?" She asks when he didn't let go of her wrist. His eyes open, his eyes were dark purple. Ty sat up, letting go of her. "No..you are really hurt and sick, you--" Ty's eyes shift to her, she stopped talking. She stared at his unsettling eyes, she sees his fangs grow out and he smirks at her. She took a step back from him. "General--you're scaring me." Ty chuckles, he gets off the bed, he grabs her and pushes her against the wall. His claws touch her chin making her tremble in fear. "G-General Tyler--" Ty's eyes fade back to their discolored shade. His hand touches the wall, letting out a shaky breathe and then touches his forehead. The nurse stops trembling, she touches Ty's shoulder. "General."

"I-I'm sorry. I don't..I don't know what happened.." He said. Ty groans in pain, the nurse quickly puts her arms around him, keeping him from falling over.

"Lay down. Lay down." She said. She puts his arm around her neck, help him walk, his balance was off by a lot, the wings were weight him down, making him lean back till he laid back on the bed. The nurse grabs the towel, dipping it in cold water and folding it up before she put it on Ty's forehead. His fangs and claws retract, she gets up, grabbing a potion. "Ty, this will hurt a lot but this potion will help." Ty moves it away.

"N-No potions. They..hurt." Ty said.

"Are you sure?" She asks. Ty nods, he soon falls back asleep. The nurse arises from her seat, leaving Ty to rest.

The Ender Heir: Book One of the Heir Series: TeamcraftedΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα