Let's talk again! :)

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Hey everyone! I know I have been lacking in the chapter department! And a few chapters came out on Friday. Well show week is coming up soon for the musical finally. Yesterday I spent from 7 in the morning to 8 at night at school for rehearsals. And I have to go back later today. It is only later because of people who go to church and all that jazz.

But expect more of days like Friday where a big cluster of chapters will come out since on days that I don't have rehearsal I work on HW and chapters for you guys. Like I have four tests tomorrow and I have five coding projects to finish. I just finished one, four more to go but I also got an assigned book from English to read. And I won't mention the civics notes I still have to write out. But yeah, until the musical is over, which is in three weeks, towards the end gets pretty crazy and rehearsals tend to be everyday. So, don't expect me to write much.

Since no offense guys, but school comes first and you all come second.

But I got the next chapter for The Ender Heir about halfway done.

And The Slave's next chapter I only just started.

In The Dark, sorry about a month hiatus for that btw, is one I'm halfway through.

The Devil's Son is about halfway too but I'm thinking of a rewrite for the chapter.

Last To Know I haven't started.

Legends Never Fade I haven't started.

Lifeline, I had a finished chapter for Lifeline, but because fate wanted to be a b*tch and delete it forcing me to rewrite it when I'm too lazy too.

WTWC came out with three chapters last week apparently since my memory has been really bad since that concussion and I forgot if I posted one or not.

If Only, I have about halfway done.

System Failure is going to be come out soon. System Failure is the remake of Game Hacked for those who don't know.

I have started Waglington's book next chapter. (Can't spell the title, spent like three minutes trying and give up)

And The Fire Prince, I have the chapter halfway done but I might rewrite it since I don't like where it is heading.


I have Grease Lightning stuck in my head since the musical we are doing is Grease.

And I have never seen Grease, like the movie, so whenever a cast member talks to me about something in Grease, I have no clue what the hell they are talking about. I barely understand the musical, there is no way I would understand the movie!

But anyway, that's what has been going on since I remember I went silent on Wattpad for three days before I posted a bunch of chapters on Friday.

But I have to go, see ya guys later! :)

The Ender Heir: Book One of the Heir Series: TeamcraftedWhere stories live. Discover now