The Plans

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Yoon Hae was looking in his telescope and Song Yi asked, "Yoon Hae maybe you can see the star where Min Joon lives."

"That's impossible. Hyung told me he is a very far away, nonna. He will be back, don't worry."

The doorbell ring, Song Yi opened the door, "Hey Yoo Seok how are you? why are you here?"

"There's someone who wants to see you. This is Hae Boo."

Song Yi looked at Hae Boo, "I don't know him?"

"Hae Boo is the same species as Do Min Joon. He wanted to tell you something about Min Jonn."

"He's an alien? Where's Do Min Joon?" Song Yi cried.

"Can we come in first? Hae Boo has a lot to tell you."

Yoo Seok and Hae Boo sat on the couch and Song Yi sat nervously because she knew there was something wrong with Do Min Joon. Before Hae Boo started to talk, Song Yi interrupted, "How's Do Min Joon?"

"I'm here because of him. He's dying right now he told me to say to you that he loves you. But.."

Song Yi cried, "NO! that's a lie!"

"It's true Song Yi he's dying. It's all because of the wormhole. We can save him but the probability is 45% and you can die. Are you ok with it?"

Song Yi said nervously, "As long I can save him. So what are your plan."

Hae Boo sighed, "Listen carefully, Do Min Joon's heartbeat is becoming slower we need something to make Min Joon's heartbeat become normal. As far as I know you knew the answer Song Yi."

"Of course I know it's my kiss but I thought Do Min Joon is immune now. Last month of his staying here we always kissed each other so that he will never be sick when I kiss him. So I guessed that will never work."

"But I will turn you the same as us because you can't live in our world then you will give him a passionate kiss. New you plus a different kiss I thought it will be work."

"I can be an alien too? Oh My God! It's my dream, long live with Do Min Joon. Im in!"

"In our kind when someone's dying we only have one year to completely die. So we only have one year to save Do Min Joon. So this is the plan. It takes four months to turn you into an alien and we need to build a spaceship to take us on our world."

"One year is enough. I guess you need to turn me into an alien now. Time is gold right?"

Hae Boo didn't answer Song Yi and he looked the other way to ignore her question. Yoon Hae got curious about Hae Boo's plan and asked, "About turning my Nonna into an alien that's the dangerous part right? Did you do this before or was she the first?"

"You're a genius boy, well yes this is the dangerous part she can die if she can't control her body. This is my second time to turn someone into our kind but my first was not a human. It's a dog but I successfully turned him and now he is the one who takes care of Do Min Joon."

Yoon Hae stood up and attempted to punch Hae Boo, "My Nonna is not an animal!"

Song Yi touched the shoulder of Yoon Hae, "It's ok Yoon Hae I will do it if Do Min Joon died I will die too because I can't live without him. Whenever you're ready Hae Boo starts the operation and Yoo Seok please don't tell Se Mi or someone, I want to keep it secret."

"No problem. You're my sister's friend. I want to tell you to think this carefully. But I know you will not change your decision because you're stubborn and you love him very much."

"Thank You Yoo Seok. Hae Boo how about the spaceship and how long it will take to build it?"

"My calculation is five months and I need someone to help build it and explain to me the new technology of the Earth. In other words I need someone who is a genius."

Song Yi raised her hand proudly, "I am! You can count on me."

At first, everyone looked at Song Yi and didn't say a word then Yoon Hae said, "Nonna you really want to save Hyung so please be cooperative and don't lie to our visitor. You don't know anything so please be quiet. Hae Boo I will help you to do it you can count on me."

"Very well."

"Hey I'm smart enough to help him!", they all ignored Song Yi.

"So I guess I can go now. Goodluck to all of you if you need my help just call me.", Yoo Seok stood up and walked out the door.

Song Yi escorted him to the door, "Thank you for bringing Hae Boo here. Take care of yourself." She went back to her seat. "We need to start this tomorrow, we need to rest now. You can stay here Hae Boo just feel at home."

"Thank you Song Yi."

My Love From The Star/You Who Came From The Star Season 2 (FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now