This is it!

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Two days later, Yoon Jae, Hwi Kyung and Se Mi started to build the spaceship. Lawyer Young-wok also helped them; they told him about the situation of Do Min Joon and Song Yi and he agreed to help them. Hae Boo was still on Song Yi's side, he held the hand of Song Yi and closed his eyes, he was listening to Song Yi's pulse. He opened his eyes and said, "It's done, you can wake up now Song Yi I know you're awake."

Song Yi opened her eyes at first her sight was blurred but minutes later her sight was cleared. "Where's my brother? Where's Lee Kyung? What happened?" She looked at her stomach and was surprised that there's no blood on it. "Am I an alien now or am I in heaven? Heaven? But why are you here you're not supposed to be here, '' Song Yi asked.

"Did you miss me? You have a lot of questions running to your mind. Your brother's fine. And by the way what did you mean that I can't go to heaven? I'm always a good boy you know." Hae Boo smiled and held the hand of Song Yi. "Yes Song Yi. You're like me now but not hot like me. Do you feel any weird about yourself?"

"I can't breath well and." Song Yi stops talking because her hearing is so clear. She heard her brother talking to Hwi Kyung. "Why can I hear my brother even when he is far from me and the door is closed?"

"No. I told you, you're an alien now on this planet. That's one of the skills of being an alien. It's awesome right? Welcome to our family Song Yi, I'm so happy that I have a new sister." Hae Boo cried.

"You're wrong, you are my brother before I'm turning into an alien." Song Yi smiled.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it. So are you ready to see your brother and your friends?"

"It's safe right? This is not like a movie that I will jump to them and bite their neck and sip some of their bloods?"

"What? No! We're not a vampires for crying out loud. We are a friendly species not a monster. Why are you always like that?"

"Just a fan of them. Okay then I'm ready to talk to them" Song Yi stood up and opened the door smiling.

She saw her brother and her friends in the kitchen eating their lunch. She thought maybe she did a prank on them to test if an alien thing is funny. Song Yi teleported and pushed her brother's chair then teleported again in her room, Yoon Jae fell to his chair.

"Ouch! What's that?" Yoon Jae stood up and sat again in the chair.

"Nice prank! Don't do that again when you're eating, that's not a good manner" Hwi Kyung said.

"Hey I didn't mean it. Someone push my chair. Maybe it's you Mr. lawyer." Yoon Jae pointed to Lawyer Young-wok.

"Of course not, I will not do it to you, I don't have any reason to do that."

"Then who did it? You're the only one who sits beside me."

"Hey! You must respect a person who is older to you. Don't blame me to your stupid stuff!"

Song Yi has heard all the conversation of her brother and Lawyer Young-wok. "This is fun but the thing is when someone is fighting because of what you did, it sucks."

Hae Boo looked angry at her, "Stop it at once! Don't use your power with this kind of selfishness. You're making fun of everyone. Come on Song Yi this is your first time to introduce yourself as an alien of this planet. Please be serious about it."

Song Yi sighed, "Okay this is it." She teleported to the kitchen.

"Oh damn you Song Yi! don't give them a heart attack you can walk through the door you're so lazy!" Hae Boo shouted.

She teleported in front of her brother then she gave him a hug. "I'm so happy that you're alright."

Her brother was so shocked and her friends were shouting.

My Love From The Star/You Who Came From The Star Season 2 (FanFiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن